Yuccas transplant reliably well during the early summer and autumn months and will steadily establish a productive root system if planted in a sunny bed with draining soil. reach desired height & they will resprout at top cut) ~ Each YUCCA pup measures. Place in a sunny, warm location and let it develop a vigorous root system before planting outdoors or repotting it. Hold the baby yucca in the pot so the base of the foliage is 1/4 inch below the edge. Over time, most species of yucca will grow into room-devouring monsters, but this takes long enough that they provide years of durabl… Gently pry the yucca out of its pot. Alternatives If a yucca plant is getting too tall or lanky in habit, it may be better to completely cut away the tall stem and allow the small plantlets, also called pups, at the base to replace it and create a bushy, more attractive specimen. Also, the more pups a palm tree has, the slower the pups will grow. Some grow into trees while others remain small and appropriate for houseplants. Dividing yuccas to control their growth works on the same principle. Q. Yucca Pups. Do not water during rainy weather since the plant might succumb to rot. Yuccas are not easy to transplant because of their size and shape, sharp leaves and tough roots. The agave makes a pretty, if prickly, addition to your garden. Using a sharp shovel, dig completely around the yucca plant, about a foot away from the outer edge of the plant. Yucca can be started in a new location by transplanting the "pups" or small plants that develop around the perimeter of the mother plant. Mar 31, 2016 - Large, spiky leaves and large clusters of white flowers make yucca plants ideal for many landscape settings. However, frequent transplants into larger pots will induce fast and steady growth. Using a felt-tip pen, mark the basal portion or the part of the stem that was growing nearer to the base of the plant. This will help you plant the stem segment correctly; if you plant it upside-down, it won't grow. Grow newly rooted yuccas in individual pots using a potting medium especially designed for succulents and cacti or, after four weeks, plant the cuttings in your yard in well-drained, sandy soil. Yucca naturally grows in sandy, dry deserts. Situate houseplants in a bright location such as a south- or west-facing window. In addition to propagating a yucca by stem cuttings, you can use the small offsets, also called pups, that develop around the base of the plant. Jun 2, 2012 - While yucca owners may have different varieties of yucca, one thing will be consistent and that is how to best propagate the yucca. Only transplant yuccas that are growing on your own property; never collect wild specimens from public or private land unless you have permission. Germination may be variable, but if you plant plenty of the seeds, some will sprout. This will give the roots time to establish before hot, dry summer weather. Attempt to transplant the cactus to an area that is similar to the original site in regard to light exposure, freeze potential, excessive heat, soil type Step 1: Select a healthy cac-tus. In this video, Jeff Moore of Solana Succulents in Solana Beach, California, demonstrates how to divide and transplant an agave. Many yucca species produce pups or offsets that can be used for propagation. Water the newly planted cuttings, and keep the soil slightly damp for about four weeks while their roots form. I have a large yucca with several pups. Dig a planting hole measuring twice the width of the yucca's rootball and of equal depth. If the mother plant grows in your yard, chances are the pups will too. Yucca is a hardy, easy-to-grow succulent that thrives in hot, dry climates. Work the entire bed rather than just the immediate planting site to avoid creating uneven drainage. The seeds will germinate within three weeks, but will take five months to grow full leaves. How to Design a Succulent Garden for My Desk, Missouri Botanical Garden: Cacti and Succulents, University of Florida, IFAS Central Florida Research and Education Center: Yucca Production Guide, Missouri Botanical Garden: Yucca Elephantipes, Missouri Botanical Garden: Yucca Filamentosa, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Yucca, Texas A&M University: Earth-Kind Landscaping: Spanish Daggers or Yucca, NC State Extension: Plant Propagation by Stem Cuttings, Extension Daily: Succulents in Container Gardens. His landscaper decided they would be good for a raised garden bed next to his pool and of course several … Drape a sheet of 25 percent shade cloth over the yucca to prevent sun scald while it establishes itself. Title: Transplanting yucca pups from Dallas Answered by: Barbara Medford . Transplanting yucca can be done by dividing a plant or by moving an entire plant. They make excellent specimen plants or striking accents. For a plant larger than 2 feet in diameter, you will probably need a helper to move the plant around, and you should wear strong gloves and a long-sleeved shirt made of a durable material. Because of their razor-sharp leaves and tipped spines, yucca plants are also referred to as Spanish dagger or bayonet. Depending on the agave species, your agave pup will be attached to the parent with a fibrous runner under the soil. Yuccas grow easily from seed. The Cactus family numbers over 2000 species. Get in the habit of sterilizing the blades of your pruning shears or garden scissors with rubbing alcohol or alcohol wipes before and after using them to reduce the risk of spreading diseases from one plant to another. Transplanting Palm Pups – Propagate Palm Trees With Pups A wide variety of palms, like sago palms, date palms or ponytail palms, will produce offshoots that are commonly known as pups and are an excellent way to propagate the plant. Her nearly 20 years of experience in horticulture informs her work, which has appeared in publications such as Mother Earth News. Answered by Nikki on August 24, 2011 Certified Expert . Select a stem that's of medium length and width for best results. When growing a yucca in a container you need to make sure that it is given the proper care so that it will thrive. Loosen the soil about 12 in (30 cm) deep. Lift the plant from the ground and fill in the hole left by it. Division type: clump, off-shoot They need well drained soil with plenty of grit added. How to Transplant Yuccas. Yucca pups should be repotted in the fall. 1. This plant is a succulent in the Agave family. Yucca can be started in a new location by transplanting the "pups" or small plants that develop around the perimeter of the mother plant. In fact, it can quickly outgrow its original position in the garden, as seen in our segment. Use shovel or spade to loosen ground around pup. Some grow into trees while others remain small and appropriate for houseplants. Press the soil slightly to remove any trapped air, but do not firm it too much or it will not drain properly. Explore. Yuccas in the landscape generally don't require fertilizer, but you can feed houseplants monthly during the growing season with an all-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to one-quarter strength. Close to the base of the pup, it will already be growing its own roots. It is very difficult to dig it up and remove it from a given location, however. cactus in the landscape. That way the roots can establish before the hot temperatures arrive. QUESTION: Can I transplant Pup Yucca plants off of the main yucca and how do I cut them off? Yuccas rarely require irrigation, except in times of prolonged drought. Slip the blade underneath the rootball and pry it loose from the ground. Red Yucca Hesperaloe parvifolia are truly not a Yucca at all. One way of propagating yuccas is to cut the rhizomes with baby plants from the main root. Water the yucca to a depth of 2 inches immediately after transplanting it. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Be aware that yuccas are toxic to dogs, cats and horses. Make sure to have some of the mother plant’s root attached to the young plant. Choose a plump specimen that is free of blemishes, obvious disease, bruises and abrasions (Fig. Allow the soil to dry out completely in the top 3 inches before watering again. He also … so will need to be potted/planted or preferably placed in. Dozens of pups growing out of trunks up to 3-4 ft. Can these be taken off and potted in an attempt to get new trees, or … Yucca Care Instructions.LightThe Yucca plant is one garden and houseplant which will be quite happy with as much sun as you can give it. Grab the yucca at the base of … They are small but completely formed plants growing at the base. Pick a commercial potting mix that drains quickly and is especially made for cacti and succulents or make your own by combining 3 parts peat and 1 part sand. Cut off and plant the mature pups in the fall – the mother plant is damaged the least at this time. The answer to your question: just about any time you are ready to tackle the job. Once started, yucca plants can be grown in pots or planted in the ground outdoors – either directly in your garden or in a specially-prepared raised bed. This altered role has many, many facets – there is a huge amount to learn. Cuttings taken from the cane or stem easily grow additional plants, without harming the original. Sever the roots at least 1/4 inch above the damaged area. Yucca pups should be repotted in the fall. How to Propagate Yucca Pup in Under 60 Seconds ... One member – with their own niche or role within that system – to tend the garden for the benefit of everything growing there and everything else that visits it or that may visit it. Place the cuttings about 1/4 to 1/2 inch into the potting mix, making sure that the basal end is in the soil. Garden Design. The yucca is a type of perennial tree or shrub. The first one is planting yucca seeds. Although they can be transplanted year-round in southern Arizona’s lower elevations, quicker reestablishment can be expected from March through October. Most species can handle variable temperatures ranging from 30 degrees up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The pups can be planted anywhere with loose, well-drained soil. I’ll show you the easiest method of Aloe vera propagation, in my opinion anyway. The timing of when you will be repotting your yucca pups is important as well. Dig down to a depth of 15 inches along the radial line using a shovel. Transplant at the same depth the agave was growing at previously and set it so the string-marked side is facing west. Inside, though, plant the yucca in a loose, well-drained potting mix. greenthumbog . To remove the yucca pups, wait until they are green and mature. This may not be the yucca you have, but nearly all species of that plant have similar instructions for transplanting of the pups. The best time to do any transplanting of the Yucca is when the seeds are still young. Thanks to its elegant … Yucca Plant – Care, Growing, Watering, Requirements, Propagation read more » Getting your Yucca started from seed is a very popular and successful method. Outdoor planting. Their sword-shaped leaves have a striking appearance and singular trunks of different height are often grouped together for a stylish plant aesthetic that’s bang on trend. When is the Best Time for Separating Yucca? In addition to propagating a yucca by stem cuttings, you can use the small offsets, also called pups, that develop around the base of the plant. The other one is repotting the offshoot pups of the plant. Remove the shade cloth once the yucca's leaves plump up and there are obvious signs of renewed growth. Division of the offshoots, or pups, lets yucca easily propagate. This article provides information on how to separate and repot yucca pups. After a few months of growing from seeds, it is safe to transplant to a different pot or to the ground. I want to transplant the parent plant to another location, transplant some of the pups to the same area, and transplant some of the pups to pots for indoor life. 3. Some varieties of yuccas may be invasive in certain regions. You may need an extra set of hands. Pinch these off at any time with your fingers or snip them off with sterilized pruners, let them air-dry at room temperature for two to three days to allow the cuts to heal over slightly, and pot them just below soil level, leaving the tops above the surface. ANSWER: There are 28 species of the genus Yucca native to Texas. In fact, it can quickly outgrow its original position in the garden, as seen in our segment. However, they require some preparation before transplanting and light care once installed in their new bed to ensure they will survive the process with minimal damage. The strong, spiky leaves make the yucca an attractive landscaping plant that requires little maintenance. This may not be the yucca you have, but nearly all species of that plant have similar instructions for transplanting of the pups. Nestle the plant into the hole with the chalk mark facing south and backfill around the edges. Many types of succulents, including Agave, Yucca, Sansevieria, Haworthia, Aloe, Echeveria and Sempervivum, grow in rosettes and are very easy to divide into new plants by cutting off small offsets growing from their base or from short rhizomes. The best time to do this would be in early spring, but this plant is so tough I would suspect you could do it successfully any time int he spring or summer. As far as houseplants go, yucca probably eclipsed by the similar-looking Dracaena genus, which is often mistaken for yucca. Pot up the pup and water it in. You can't hurt them, in … Repotting the pups in the fall will do the least amount of damage to the parent plant, which will be in a slow growth period in the fall. The first one is planting yucca seeds. Preferred temperature for germination: 82-90 degrees F ... Yucca filamentosa (1) Call us or email us to arrange a time to come out, or for delivery. Wait until the leaves are green. You can also remove yucca pups and suckers from the mother plant and plant them separately so they can become their own plant. Avoid choosing either a very young, thin cane or an older, thicker cane. Add 20-30 percent by volume of extra grit to John Innes No 2 for good drainage. Then use clean garden shears to slice off the pup or sucker. Shake the container to settle the soil and then add more if necessary. I read your instructions for transplanting the pups, but can't find anything on how to move the parent plant. Don showed how to prune the yucca without ruining its architectural shape. Can you help me with this? Any potting container will do as long as it's clean and has drainage holes at the base. Soil . Wear protective gear such as goggles, gloves and long-sleeved clothing when working with yuccas since they possess sharp spines on their leaves. Saved from gardeningknowhow.com. Plant in well-draining … Originally found growing across the Americas and parts of the Caribbean, the Yucca Plant is accustomed to conditions that are of the drier, more unfertile kind. Longwood Garden .. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Plant in well-draining soil and keep moist until it can establish a root system. This US native plant has many species and varieties that grow well in our gardens (e.g., Yucca aloifolia, Yucca filamentosa, Yucca gloriosa). If the plant has been Author Topic: Yucca transplanting (Read 4700 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Yucca elephantipes, more commonly called the spineless or soft-tipped yucca, is a fast growing member of the agave family. Snip off dead or winter-damaged foliage from the interior of the plant with hand pruners. Introduction. You will get the best results planting yucca seed if you scar the seed first. With their swordlike leaves and showy flower spikes, yuccas (Yucca spp.) The rhizomes sprout new baby plants, which is why yucca spreads so efficiently that some people consider it a pest. This means that even if you damage a few offsets, you will have plenty more that can be planted. Liberally watering the yucca the day before taking a cutting allows the stem, also called a cane, to be well hydrated and better able to withstand the stress of being removed from the plant. Hardier yucca like Yucca gloriosa and Y. filamentosa require full sun and any well drained soil. You might want to check out this Aloe Vera 101. Transplant into a larger pot that is about 1 or 2 sizes bigger than the original. Best offers for your Garden - https://amzn.to/2InnD0w ----- How to Transplant Yucca Plants. They are, however, interesting and slow-growing houseplants that have the added benefit of being extremely drought tolerant. I'm in North Texas. Yucca elephantipes, more commonly called the spineless or soft-tipped yucca, is a fast growing member of the agave family. Outdoor yuccas need a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight daily and grow well in areas that receive full sun or partial shade. Yucca comes in several varieties. Place the yucca in the hole with the prepared soil around it. Yuccas (Yucca spp., USDA zones 4 through 11) are easily propagated in a number of ways, including rooting semihardwood stem cuttings, usually taken from midsummer to early fall from the current season's growth, or offsets, which may be separated from the mother plant year-round. Susan Lundman began writing about her love of gardening and landscape design after working for 20 years at a nonprofit agency. i didn't put it in greenhouse | Quote | Post #2167710 (1) Fort Worth, TX (Zone 8a) javaMom Mar 2, 2020 12:54 AM CST. If you live in a climate with cold winters, transplant yucca in spring, after all danger of frost has passed. Wear long sleeves and gloves when working around yuccas to protect yourself from the spiny, daggerlike tips of the leaves that may be present on some species. Yucca and other desert plants prefer dry soil conditions. In this video, Jeff Moore of Solana Succulents in Solana Beach, California, demonstrates how to divide and transplant an agave. Steps. Before planting the offsets, put them in a cool place to dry off for a few days. He also covers the basics of … Samantha McMullen began writing professionally in 2001. There are also plenty of awesome variegated forms to choose from. Mark the south-facing side of the plant with chalk so you can orient it correctly when transplanting it. University of Vermont Department of Plant and Soil Sciences: Yucca, Arizona Cooperative Extension: Cactus, Agave, Yucca and Ocotillo, University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: Ask Mr. Smarty Plants -- Transplanting of Yucca Plants. Yucca transplanting can technically be done at any time of the year. Turn the pot on its side. 1). When to Transplant. Don't locate them where those animals might eat the leaves. Prepare yuccas for transplant approximately five days before moving them. Transplanting is usually necessary since cacti seldom occur naturally in desired landscape locations. Can I divide yucca? Yucca and … Here are some tips for transplanting a yucca houseplant. Wait until the leaves are green. Dubbed as a ‘tree for indoors’, yucca plants are drought-resistant evergreen plants with a good resistance to pests and minimal upkeep requirements. If you plan on transplanting palm pups from a palm tree that has several pups, you may be better off selecting one to two of the strongest pups and removing the others. Fill in around the roots with small handfuls of the potting soil and sand mixture until the container is full. 4 easy steps to transplant agave pups. So as to produce new plants, you can separate the pups from the parental plant, locate them in the place where you would like them to grow and enjoy a new, pretty clump. Dividing an agave is simple: just wiggle the pups until they separate from the mother plant, making sure to include some roots. Dividing yucca isn’t an easy task, especially for large varieties. Just for fun, we always try to find a species of a plant that is native to the area from which the question comes. How to Care for Yucca Plants Indoors. A site with sandy, fast-draining soil that receives all-day sunlight provides the best location for an agave or agave pup. Yucca tops dead from winter damage. Yucca are also kept indoors in pots. You can't hurt them, in … Many types of succulents, including Agave, Yucca, Sansevieria, Haworthia, Aloe, Echeveria and Sempervivum, grow in rosettes and are very easy to divide into new plants by cutting off small offsets growing from their base or from short rhizomes. Transplant yucca in autumn if you live in a climate with mild winters and hot summers. Don showed how to prune the yucca without ruining its architectural shape. Cactus, Agave, Yucca and Ocotillo Cactus Cactus can give that authentic touch of native dignity that seems to legitimize and complement Arizona desert landscapes. … Prepare a planting site while the yucca roots dry out. The other one is repotting the offshoot pups of the plant. You can also remove yucca pups and suckers from the mother plant and plant them separately so they can become their own plant. Find out about the varieties of yucca plants and both their landscape and household uses in this article. Their low water needs and tendency to thrive in nutrient-poor soil makes the agave a perfect addition for your rock garden. Allow the soil around the yucca's roots to dry completely before watering. Place the rootball on a sheet of burlap or plastic to prevent soil contact. With their swordlike leaves and showy flower spikes, yuccas (Yucca spp.) It's about time to plant it, but don't know what the reddish coloring on the leaves means. add a dramatic look to low-water landscaping within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. For pot growing, separate the pups into individual pots filled with a store-bought soil mix for cacti and succulents. Agaves are desert-dwelling plants that will grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 11. Place in full light, water freely during the growing season from April to September and apply a balanced liquid feed fortnightly. 1. At one to two years the root system is established to it makes the moving more stressful on the plant. Grow the pups under warm, bright and sheltered conditions for a year before transplanting them into the garden. Caring and transplanting a Yucca plant must be done to help make sure the plant grows as healthily as possible. You can use these to grow more Yucca Canes. 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