Your snake plant can have brown spots due to a lot of different reasons. Those crispy brown tips are dead leaf material and they no longer serve any purpose for the plant. It shouldn’t be difficult to protect indoor plants from low temperatures. Once you have root rot, you can start to get yellow leaves and also brown tips as well. These low maintenance, evergreen plants have a reputation of being hardy. The brown tips I will cut off at an angle and before I know it these new plants are putting out babies.. Snake plants have developed the ability to survive on nutrient deficient soil. If your thumb is everything but green, growing a snake plant (Sansevieria spp.) If the problem is persistent you may be chronically under watering or missing the mark on the watering consistency practice in … Although snake plants are less susceptible to pest infestation, they can sometimes attract insects like spider mites and mealybugs. How to Care for Yellow Leaves on Yucca Plants, How to Prune English Primrose After Flowers Are Spent, How to Remove the Brown Leaves on a Dracaena Fragrans Corn Plant. The presence of brown spots on snake plant leaves is one of the most common diseases found on these plants. Even when you take good care of your plant, the leaf damage will not revert back. If it’s completely dry, the plant can be watered. Yes you can. The best fix for browning of snake plants is to identify the primary cause and improve the growing conditions to resolve that problem. If you are noticing dry, brown tips on your Sansevieria, it is most likely caused by infrequent or sporadic watering. Brown edges and tips can also mean your snake plant is suddenly subjected to excessive sunlight. You can easily trim the dead leaves, but they may be an indication that the plant requires division. The drooping leaves sound like they may have been damaged by cold. Fungal growths first appear white before changing to a deep brown color. Why does a snake plant get brown tips or patches on the leaves? You should start the treatment as soon as possible after you identify the pest attacking your snake plant. If the plant seems to be outgrowing its container, you can divide it into two or more new plants. If the leaves aren't a healthy green, the plant may be getting too much sunlight. However, there are limits to the amount of neglect any plant can tolerate. Don’t fertilize young plants, sick plants or right after they are repotted. When the potting medium remains wet for too long, roots will suffer damage due to rotting. Snake plants thrive and grow healthier with a little feeding, but just be careful not to overdo it. Alternatively, you could choose to prune the affected leaves. I heard on a video on Youtube that a snake plant (sansevieria) will stop growing if it loses its leaf tips or if the tips gets brown or broken. A ragged leaf edge can increase the risk of disease entering the cut leaf stump. For snake plants in brighter light, expect to transplant every 3 to 5 years. Cut a leaf off of your snake plant and slice into 3-4″ pieces. Diseases. If you notice the brown leaves a few days after the feeding, excess fertilizer might be the reason. Cut away any leaves that are brown or yellow. Like we mentioned earlier, division is the best way to ensure that your new plant will have the same variegation as your main plant. You can cut farther up the leaf, but it is unlikely to grow back from that point, and may be unsightly. There is no treatment to reverse the damage, but if only part of the leaf has been affected you can simply cut it off. Put the cuttings right-side-up in fresh soil mix and keep the pot in an area that gets bright, indirect light. Mother in law’s tongue or snake plants are a familiar sight in many homes. Personally, since you just transplanted the plant, I'd give it a few days to establish, before doing anything. In this post I explain how to fix a snake plant with brown tips or spots on the leaves and how to prevent it from happening. So that is one way to get more plants for free. A physical damage can also make the snake plant leaves develop brown patches. When the damage is severe, snip off the whole leaf at the soil line. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Usually a snake plant needs watering every week or every 2 weeks during spring and summer. On the other hand, if the leaves are extremely soggy, mushy, drooped, dead, turned completely yellow, got red dots all over them or have dried out, it’s better to cut them off. It’s always good to routinely check your plants to see if they need water or not. It can survive low light levels, drought, and generally being ignored. I ended up with 5 plants from the one and they all are filling in wonderfully. Can I Cut the Brown Tips Off my Snake Plant? A former cake decorator and competitive horticulturist, Amelia Allonsy is most at home in the kitchen or with her hands in the dirt. With their gorgeous sword-shaped leaves, snake plants increase the beauty of your office space or home. However, in this case you may not see the brown tips right away. Causes of Brown Spots on Snake Plant. … Why are my mother-in-law’s tongue leaves turn yellow? Let’s start with this cylindrical snake plant (Sansevieria bacularis ‘Mikado’). Once they get enough water, the leaves will start looking healthier. You don't want a huge pot, they like to be "root bound" and actually grow better when less room in pot. When you forget to water for a long time, the plant can get extremely dehydrated. Wet brown areas with white thread-like growths signify a fungal growth such as southern blight. Best practice is to let the rhizome callous over for a few days before planting it. If your spider plant leaves turn black, it’s a sure sign of bacterial leaf blight. Many of the tips of my Snake plant are either broken or brown. In some cases, the entire leaf might be dead, while sometimes only the tip of the leaf is dead. You’ll have to let the plant dry out, then start watering gradually. Required fields are marked *. My other snake plants had roots growing out after few weeks, but not this time! Nell Snake plant leaves can be quite tough, so it may take a little effort to cut through each. It features long, thick, upright green leaves. Addressing Over- or Under-Watering Pull the plant from the pot to inspect the soil and roots. Like most plants, you can have root rot if this continues. And the plant stress can be caused by many different factors. Try to make a clean cut, rather than a series of jagged cuts. Mother in law’s tongue plants aren’t winter hardy and shouldn’t be exposed to freezing cold climates. Cut straight across the leaf as close to the soil as possible. It starts outs … You'll need to fix the cause of the problem in order to prevent future dead foliage, although sometimes leaves simply die without any major problem. Your email address will not be published. Take your clean shears and cut off damaged leaves near the center of the spider plant. You can remove the affected parts if you think it’s an aesthetic issue. I cut my snake plants two months ago and have been water propagating it. I am struggling on finding answers and was hoping that you will have answer for me. But if there are just small brown tips, you may want to leave them like that. When the underlying problem is taken care of, your snake plant will grow plenty more new healthy leaves. The best way to know this is to feel the top 1.5-2 inches of soil with your finger. If the damage is minimal, you can just remove the affected parts. Most indoor Sansevieria plants have the potential to flower indoors, ... Brown … The dry, shriveled brown parts can spread to the edges and along the leaf. Although cutting them off will neither benefit nor harm your plant, you can cut them off if you find them too unsightly. Underwatered snake plants are easy to treat as you just have to resume the regular watering. Plants in low light might need to be repotted every 5 to 10 years. This cause of brown leaf tips happens most frequently with container grown plants, but can happen with plants in the ground in particularly heavy clay soils that may act like a container. For more details on fertilizers, you may find this helpful. Avoid sudden change of light conditions. Is this true? Her work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle and on other websites. Fertilizing your snake plants too often or using a strong fertilizer can cause damage to the roots. Snake plants are pretty hardy, it should regrow. However, even the most resistant plant can still be infected with diseases that can affect its growth. Although the brown tips of the plant cannot be revived, they will be less noticeable as your plant gets healthier. Still no roots, and I noticed from the cut area it’s turning brown. Any idea why this is happening? Use liquid or slow release fertilizers and apply them cautiously. It may sound surprising but overwatering can also result in turning the snake plant brown. You can actually see two rhizomes in the picture above. Cut the terminal point of the outer leaves if you fear you might brush against the leaves while digging up the plant. Proper watering is probably the most important thing you can do to keep your snake plant in good health. I chose to leave my leaves as long as possible to maintain the 'look' of a plant while they try to take root. Your email address will not be published. What is your favorite house plant? Be careful to cut to the edge, leaving perhaps a little brown sliver, so that the plant doesn't have a new injury to heal. In winter and fall seasons, you can water it once a month or even less frequently. Flush the potting mix by running plenty of water through it. While snake plant problems are not common, thrips is an infestation that can wipe out one or more plants. If the soil is dense like mud, it either becomes too wet and soggy or concrete dry. Make sure that the soil and leaves don’t remain wet for long. First of all, isolate the infected plant so that the disease doesn’t spread to other healthy plants. Hi Michele – Yes, root rot can certainly be caused by a mix which is too heavy. Although the brown tips of the plant cannot be revived, they will be less noticeable as your plant gets healthier. Either increase watering or replant the plant so that the roots have more room to … If your plant has developed any kind of brown spots, it’s always a good idea to inspect the foliage for signs of infestation. This can often cause brown leaf tips, or brown edges on the leaves. Though the snake plant can store water and withstand long periods of drought, it still enjoys a regular watering routine. The leaves will get scars, light brown patches with little mushy texture. Or is that all? The tips of the leaves sometimes turn brown and entire leaves sometimes die, particularly around the outer perimeter of the plant. Cut your plant and its root structure in half right down the middle. To propagate a snake plant by rhizome, use a clean, sharp knife to cut the rhizome off of the main plant. Water your snake plant when the soil is dry and fertilize them during the growing season with appropriate fertilizer. Snake plants can definitely be grown in direct sunlight when they are acclimatized to it. After the root rot becomes severe and the roots cannot absorb moisture or nutrients anymore, then the brown tips can appear. The key to mastering how to cut an Aloe Vera plant without killing it is to prune it only when it needs it. It is crucial to understand why your snake plant is dying to take appropriate action so that you can revive your snake plant. Leaves will turn mushy, droopy, yellow or yellowish-brown in color. Sansevieria (commonly known as the snake plant) is a very tolerant plant that is hard to kill. You may want to take a look at the potting mix. Just be careful not to cause new injury to the plant. Increased stress caused by some extreme changes in the environment can turn the snake plant brown. By cutting back on the water you will reduce the possibility of your Snake Plant rotting from being overwatered, ... Bear in mind if you do cut off the growing tips, that particular leaf will never grow taller. A. Take the plant out of the container, then cut through the soil ball and roots to create two or more new plants. They are very hardy and like neglect, so just don't over water. You can root healthy portions of the cut leaf to create new snake plants. For controlling spider mites and mealybugs, use alcohol dipped cotton swabs to wipe off the bugs. You can always cut the mushy parts off of the leaves & propagate the non impacted portions. If it still green but just the tip is brown, then use a sharp pair of scissors to … Up to 140 species and varieties of this plant exist, but only 15 of them are available as potted plants at nurseries. This can turn the leaves yellow and develop brown spots. How to Prune and Propagate Whole Snake Plant Leaves Cut the leaf all the way down to the soil line. Brown lesions on leaves can indicate a fungus red lead spot. She received her Bachelor's degree from West Virginia University. Putting the plant above a heater or radiator is not a good idea. Always use sterilized tools to cut the leaves, especially if there is any fungus infestation. Groom your Snake Plant. Grasp the leaf with the dead foliage just below where the brown foliage stops. This can suffocate the roots and make the plant unhealthy. If a plant does not look like it can be saved, destroy it so that it cannot infect your other plants. Move the snake plants a few feet away from the heater to prevent any heat damage. There will be soft brown patches or spots on the leaves. It will quickly dry out the soil and damage the leaves. Once your plant looks happy again, you can resume the fertilization. If you are noticing dry, brown tips on your Snake Plant, it is most likely caused by infrequent or sporadic watering. Simply cut away the dying brown parts if they look very unappealing. You can cut off the brown tips if you think it is an aesthetic issue. Look for natural divisions in the plant when deciding where to cut. Avoid simply cutting off the brown part of the leaf, since this will leave an open wound on the leaf. Brown leaf tips are often a sign of over-watering a mother-in-law’s tongue plant. Here are some of the most common problems that can make snake plant leaves turn brown. A simple way to protect your plants from insects is to keep them healthy and clean. Or moving a big plant from one place to another may result in some harm to the outer foliage. It’s not that it was totally root-bound, but I thought I’d use this opportunity to show you, dear reader, the process of potting up snake plant pups so you can distract yourself, keep busy, and multiply your houseplant collection practically for free. Both these bugs are sap sucking insects which damage the leaves by making small wounds on them. Is there anything I can do to make the plant grow bigger? Avoid feeding your snake plants in winter when they’re in resting state. Yes, but leave just a little bit of brown on each leaf to avoid stressing the plant. Isolate your snake plant from other healthy plants, just to be safe. But if you keep your snake plants in a balcony or outside, just bring them in during winters. If you think the only type of plant you can keep alive is made of plastic, think again. How to save the snake plant with brown spots? Flowers. But if you suddenly move your plant from a basement to the outdoors, it may not tolerate the intensity of the sun. This will filter the excess nutrients out of the soil. The browning of leaves is usually a result of stress. On the other end, make sure that your plant is never sitting in watering for extended periods of time and always ensure that you have a drainage hole. Maintain a good watering regimen to avoid any fungal problems. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata), also called mother-in-law's tongue, is a common houseplant native to western Africa. Snake Plants need excellent drainage so I always work a lot of succulent & cactus mix into the potting soil when I plant. Brown edges are the dead parts of the leaves and cannot be treated. can be ideal because it requires minimal care and is hard to kill. Always use sterilized tools to cut the leaves, especially if there is any fungus infestation. Be aware of the signs and treat your plants accordingly. Take your sterilized tool and cut the leaf as close to the soil as possible. Check these posts for more information on saving overwatered or underwatered snake plants. After about 3 … Completely Brown, Crunchy Leaves: This is a symptom that your plant has been left dry for too long, hopefully not long enough to have done significant root damage. The leaves are commonly striped with shades of green and gray-green and the edges are often outlined with yellow or green around the edges. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You want to make a straight cut across in what looks to be a healthy section. Once the leaves develop brown spots or brown tips, there’s nothing you can do. Extreme sun exposure results in the drying up of plant tissue. When the roots get burned by powerful chemicals, it impacts the foliage as well. Visually inspect the plant for signs of overcrowding or lack of water that could contribute to the dead foliage. The plant has to grow new leaves anyway, so your best bet is to cut droopy leaves down to the soil level, and replant. Check out this post on how to identify the pests and get rid of them. Though the Snake Plant can withstand long periods of drought, it still enjoys a regular watering routine! If it's brown and dry, then cut the whole leaf, but not too far from the main branch so that it will grow a new leaf. Make sure you remember which side of the leaf is the top and which is the bottom. In order to say goodbye to the rotten ends of your leaves, cut the bottoms off well above the 'melty' and yellowed ends. It is possible that the roots are still alive, so new leaves may sprout from that. You can also wash the leaves with mild soap water. Plant each half in its own pot with some succulent soil. Read more on properly watering the snake plants. You can do this and then put inside without any further steps. Then the first sign you’ll notice is crispy, brown tips. Common Snake Plant Problems. Using a knife to remove outer leaves at the base When an underwatered plant is suddenly subjected to excess water, it can also provoke some leaf browning. Fungal infections may need chemical treatments like using fungicides. Repotting: Snake plants are slow growers and rarely need repotting (they actually grow better when pot-bound). I … Make sure your pruners are clean & sharp to avoid a jagged cut &/or infection. The best solution is to cut the entire leaf off to improve the plant’s appearance. The snake plant is also called Sansevieria and “mother-in-law’s tongue,” for its sharp, upright leaves, which are mottled green and yellow and resemble a snake. They will even reward your neglect by helping to clean the air in your home. They can cope with some imperfect growing conditions very well, which makes them an excellent choice for forgetful gardeners. By sucking the leaves dry they cause leaf dehydration that leads to plant stress and browning of leaves. If the damage is minimal, you may snip off the brown part of the … post on how to identify the pests and get rid of them, Disadvantages of snake plants and the workarounds, Sansevieria Masoniana (Whale’s fin plant) – The ultimate care guide, Snake Plant Care – How to grow Mother In Law’s Tongue, Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii – How to grow and care for the snake plant, Viper’s bowstring hemp – How to grow and cultivate the plant. When the temperature drops below 50°F (10°C), they suffer permanent damage to the leaves. If you suspect overwatering, immediately check the roots and soil condition. This may include setting a watering schedule, reducing the fertilizer and sunlight, and treating the pest infections. If you want to move it from a deep shaded place, gradually expose it to light over the period of a few weeks. Don’t worry though, as if you give your snake plant the care it needs, it will grow plenty more healthy leaves and then the impact of the brown tips will be less noticeable. Slightly brown tips on the leaves indicate underwatering and can be fixed as well. To correct this problem, place your snake plants behind a light curtain-covered window for bright but indirect sunlight. If all leaves are mushy at their bottoms, they are as good as gone. Use diluted fertilizer at the most once a month only during the growing season. Unfortunately, the damage that has already happened is permanent. If you have purchased the plant online, sometimes it can get injured during the transport. Sometimes the edges of the leaves become wavy and they fold over. You can also cut your snake plant in half with a sharp knife to gain a brand new plant. Just check with local nurseries to make sure these plants aren’t invasive in your area. Snake plant is extremely tolerant of neglect and a wide range of conditions, making it well-suited for beginning gardeners. So, their nutrient requirements are low. If you want more snake plants then take the part you cut off and stick in soil, it'll grow another plant. To save the snake plant, stop feeding it for a few months. Some mild direct sun is good for the snake plant, but keep your outdoor plants in a shade. Isolate your snake plant from other healthy plants, just to be safe. While Aloe Vera plants are fast-growing succulents, in comparison to other plants, like herbs, they’re actually slower growing (you can find more info about their growth rate in my post about growing Aloe faster).. Inadequate watering, overfertilization, and environmental stress is the root cause of a dying snake plant. It’s important to find out the reason and fix it ASAP to save your plant from severe damage. Clean shears and cut the leaf in your home leaves is one of the.! 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