(4) Rejoice in the Lord... and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:7: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Let your gentleness be known to all men. This simply means that twenty million Americans suffer from psychic tensions that they are unable to handle alone. One of the blessings of preaching regularly to the same group of people is the joy of seeing folk journeying in discipleship. Our minds and hearts were recently traumatized by the loss of seven brilliant and brave astronauts. An incredible number of human ways of dealing with anxiety exist. 7 And u the peace of God , v which surpasses all understanding , will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus . Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Philippians 4:1-9 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The first word in chapter 4—the Greek word hoste (so that, so then, wherefore, therefore)—connects chapter 4 to chapter 3. The peace of God will be the guardian of their thoughts and imaginations, only they must do their part in bending their minds to worthy objects. "the peace of God" occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Phil 4:7. Philippians 4:1-7: The Peace of God – a Life Commentary discusses how to find the Peace of God from Philippians 4:1-7. shall guard. The specific passage is Philippians 4:6-7 (New International Version), which states: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. The Lord is at hand. My wife, who thrives on organization, has a motto: “A place for everything, and everything in its pl. The two-fold expression to rejoice echoes what the apostle said in 3:1, “Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord.”. This peace, though allied to that which follows the pardon of a sinner, differs from it. View Bible Text. The peace of God is the garrison of the soul in all the experiences of its life, defending it from the external assaults of temptation or anxiety, and disciplining all lawless desires and imaginations within, that war against its higher purposes.— . The peace of God will be the guardian of their thoughts and imaginations, only they must do their part in bending their minds to worthy objects. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your … Philippians 4:6; Philippians 4:7 6 r do not be anxious about anything , s but in everything by prayer and supplication t with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God . ‘The peace of God’ is not to be measured by the ordinary tranquillising of a common joy, I. This is peace that comes from God rather than peace with God. "Together these words refer to the entire inner being of the Christian, his emotions, affections, thoughts and moral choices. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. And they know that they need not doubt in anything because, ‘if God be for us, who can be against us? Philippians 4:7 Commentary. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. This peace, or release from tension, is something that we cannot fully comprehend. 4:6 says, then the peace of God will guard our heart. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. NIV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. John 14:27. Passeth - surpasseth all man's natural powers of understanding it (1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Ephesians 3:20 : cf. 4,3 étoiles sur 5 26. 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. This is seen as a peace which ‘stands guard’ over their lives, so that nothing can throw them, guarding their hearts and minds, (their whole inner being of emotions, thoughts and will), ‘in Christ Jesus’ (Who is their citadel in which they are safe) from all the attacks of the Enemy. It has strengthened the tendency which already prevailed, especially at Rome, to give men a conscience about the use of war. Such peace did the Lord leave with His disciples, that their hearts should be neither troubled nor afraid. “What is God’s peace? âIn Christâ: âApart from Him there is no surety or guarantee for peace of mindâ (Muller p. 143). âAndâ: As a result of practicing the gratitude and humble prayer-life mentioned in . Philippians 4:7. It is better than all that the wit of man or his forethought can devise, and therefore is to be preferred before the results which can be gained by over-anxiety for worldly things. Lft [33]. At least one in every ten persons across the nation is in need of help for the living of life in these days. King James Version And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. For it is a promise in which he points out the advantage of a firm confidence in God, and invocation of him. Philippians 4:7, CSB: "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Gives them directions concerning their temper and frame of mind, Philippians 4:4-7. Notice the word "shall". Let your moderation be known unto all men. It guarantees us an answer to every prayer, and it is found in Philippians 4:6-7. which passeth = surpassing. Clarke's Commentary. Context Summary. Shall keep, [ phroureesei (Greek #5432)] - 'shall guard,' as a well-garrisoned stronghold (Isaiah 26:1; Isaiah 26:3). Philippians 4:4-7 New Living Translation (NLT). Philippians 4:9-10 Commentary. Philippians 4:7 Context. Today’s epistle passage is an intriguing composition of seven sentences ranging from two to twenty Greek words long. ", —This result follows. Having been willing to give His Son He will not withhold anything. (like the ârighteousness of God,â âthe life of Godâ), the peace which God gives to every soul which rests on Him in prayer. 25â26).— . It has to do not merely with feelings but with will. The High Calling-Meditations on St Paul's Letter to the Philippians-J H Jowett. At least we will have the confidence that we have laid the matter before the Lord and sought His aid. New Living Translation Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. Autre bienfait, bienfait immense qui sera le fruit de la prière et de l'action de grâce, opposées aux inquiétudes. The Peace of God. Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing Philippians 4:7: Ezekiel 28:12-17 Galatians 5:22-24 Philippians 4:6 : Philippians 4:8 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Aug 13, 2013 - Explore Pamela Healy's board "Philippians 4 : 7" on Pinterest. âShall guardâ: All other mechanisms for dealing with worry will fail. Sermons on Philippians-Brian Bell . âWhich passeth all understandingâ: âSurpasses all comprehensionâ (NASV). 7 And u the peace of God , v which surpasses all understanding , will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus . I. Philippians 4:14-18 Commentary. “This peace is like some magic mirror, by the dimness growing on which we may discern the breath of an unclean spirit that would work us ill” (Rendel Harris, Memoranda Sacra, p. 130; the quotation skilfully catches the spiritual conception before Paul’s mind). View More Titles. It keepsâthat is, watches over with the watchfulness that âneither slumbers nor sleepsââboth âthe hearts and mindsâ (or, more properly, the souls and the thoughts formed in them), guarding our whole spiritual action, both in its source and its developments. This calm and balanced state is exactly what that man has who feels that God loves him; III. 7. Philippians 4:7-9 KJV. The Lord is at hand. It would be an undue restriction of his thought to imagine that he only refers to agreement between members of the Church, although, no doubt, that idea is here included. “If you make your requests, etc., ’ then the peace ’ shall guard,” etc. âThere are two possible views. Nevertheless this peace acts as a sentry to guard the believer"s heart (affections) and mind (thoughts) under the sovereign influence of Christ Jesus. Paul writes, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (v. 6). (See an admirable note in Ws[32].) (Philippians 4:9). Philippians 4:4 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Philippians 4:4, NIV: "Rejoice in the Lord always.I will say it again: Rejoice!" New International Version 28,66 € The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Commentary on the Greek Text Paul Ellingworth. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding. Browse Sermons on Philippians 4:4-7. in Christ Jesus. This is one of Paul’s shortest letters and one of the smallest books in the New Testament but there are such powerful teachings in this little dynamo. 2,3)â (Jackson p. 81). This is the blessed result of leaving everything in the hands of God by prayer. It is a peace that comes to us when we pray because we enter into the tranquility of God"s own presence. Philippians 4:7 The New King James Version 7 and kthe peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Hicks (Class. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Aug 13, 2013 - Explore Pamela Healy's board "Philippians 4 : 7" on Pinterest. Barnes's Philippians 4:7 Bible Commentary And the peace of God - The peace which God gives. The great Mosque of Constantinople was once a Christian church, dedicated to the Holy Wisdom. This meaning seems inevitable from the parallel in Ephesians 3:20, , and Cf.Philippians 4:19, . And God’s peace. It attempted to humanise it, to strip it of its barbarities, II. Most of us have experienced lack of complete peace from time to time when we pray. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus,” Phil. keep = garrison. Nevertheless this peace acts as a sentry to guard the believer"s heart (affections) and mind (thoughts) under the sovereign influence of Christ Jesus. A Sermon Manuscript on Philippians 4:4-7 Nathaniel B Parker BE7404: Preparing an Expository Message November 29, 2016 A Sermon Manuscript on Philippians 4:4-7 Sermon Title Rejoicing in the Presence and Peace of the Lord Sermon Text Philippians 4:4-7 (KJV): Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. 184-185). Miscellaneous. Philippians 4:7. by Grant Richison | Mar 5, 1996 | Philippians | 0 comments. Philippians 4:4, ESV: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." In chapter 4, … Explanation and Commentary of Philippians 4:7. âTogether these words refer to the entire inner being of the Christian, his emotions, affections, thoughts and moral choicesâ (Hawthorne p. 185). 4,7 étoiles sur 5 37. He concludes the epistle with praise, salutations, and blessing (v. 20-23). B. Meyer. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Philippians 4:4-7. Paul did not say that if we need to make a decision God will make His will known to us by giving us peace about the right choice. Some turn to human philosophy, Eastern religions or some other false teaching. It is the quiet rest which God gives him who continually surrenders every thing into his hand. Sometimes the signs are small, sometimes significant, but on occasion there is the very real need to encourage people to stand their ground, to keep going when the going gets tough, to keep on keeping on. It is the quiet rest which God gives him who continually surrenders every thing into his hand. are products of the , thoughts or purposes. 43,97 € Paul's Letter to the Philippians Gordon D. Fee. (1) A general exhortation: in light of your destiny in Christ, stand fast. It shall keep watch over the thoughts too as they spring in the mind, and guide them aright. I’m not talking about those out-of-the-can jobs we feed our children before we race out the door to make it to Sunday school in time. But it is a joy in the sense of the Lord’s being at hand. Proverbs 3:17). The Bible stresses the absolute importance of filling our minds with good things (Proverbs 23:7; Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 12:34; Mark 7:20-23). The transition from Old to New Testament usage of "peace" strikingly illustrates its personal, internal application: Out of about 90 New Testament instances, 90% refer to heartfelt peace.. Martin G. Collins New International Version In Philippians 4:7, Paul had written "the peace of God"; and, as Barry said, "The inversion is striking." Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. . . Every other bed in all the hospitals in our country is occupied by a patient who has no organic ailment. This peace, though allied to. Thanksgiving gives effect to prayer (2Ch 20:21), and frees from anxious carefulness by making all God's dealings matter for praise, not merely for resignation, much less murmuring. Every five families is affectedâ ( pp righteous heart and mind religions or some false..., Devotionals nor take away book of Philippians ten persons across the nation is in Christ.... False, Buy into some erroneous idea, and we are praying about what should! 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