What is the ideal weight for longevity? 3. The easiest topic is one that you can find articles for right away. We'd also greatly appreciate suggestions coming from the fellow readers. How can robotic exosuits be used in industry and business for training and increasing production? Tectonic movements – how the Earth’s face changes. The role cryogenics may play in future. What are those solutions and how can farmers be encouraged to follow those best practices? How does Darwin's theory help us analyze human behavior? What is the evidence for or against free-range chickens being better and healthier? Can you recommend any more topics that I may use? Here are some topic examples: 1. Research topics by field of study. The term “natural sciences” unites all the branches of science that deal with natural world and approach it from the point of view of naturalism. How can computer science programs and games like. How do we best develop sustainable technologies for infrastructure? What are nursing measures that can help patients control high blood pressure? 7. Bar Code Scanning. But now that won't work and I'm planning on doing a research project. Does buying up land and setting it aside as a nature refuge work to save endangered animals? I'm sure you can find a project that would work for your purposes! How can nurses help in emerging infectious diseases? Is it possible that oceans still hide unknown species of living organisms of considerable size? hi ,i am so much intrested in doing research on an intresting topic thatsy i have selected the topic related to nano materials.can any one give an idea how to approach in the topic related to nanomaterials. ", "What is the importance of string theory? Question: I am searching for a Zoology topic to write a research paper on, can you help me? All of it are interesting. 0 yorum. Answer a few simple questions. Whether it is on biology, physics, science, literature, history, or psychology, this approach works at all levels of education. 5G and Covid-19 . Question: Can you suggest some research paper topics about molecular medicine in relation to RFLP and diabetes? View Natural Science Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 08, 2020: Hi Michelle, it helps to have a research question that you are going to answer. Question: I am a grade twelve student. 3. How do people inherit Sickle cell disease? Question: What are some temperature related science topics that would be good to research? Is flipped classrooms the best way to teach math? Question: I'm trying to find a low-cost experiment that doesn't involve the use of humans. Should we use nanobots to produce and deliver drugs to human patients? What is the effect of nursing care on INR stability time in warfarin treatment? How does a biotech company effectively finance and market a product? This paper examines how people in Copenhagen interact with and perceive six of the main neighbourhoods in the capital. Look at all of the instructions you have been given, and ask questions if you don't understand. Thanks xxx. Any advice on how to write a science journal ? Upcoming events. Question: Which health topic would be great for a presentation? How close are computers to mimicking the human brain? If you are actually doing a science experiment and not just a research paper, I have a lot of different step-by-step experiments too. Just wanted to say that this website is very helpful in our PR 1, but my classmate and I are still confused on what research topic to tackle. What is the best new treatment for pancreatic cancer? How can nursing practices help depression in patients with chronic pain or in nursing homes? What is the best way for nurses to reduce stress? For example, the process of writing about math and … :). 5. Look at their section on research that they support and you will see what the most current information is. Why has the disease resurfaced? What is "flattening the curve?" Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 04, 2017: Hi Mega Sai, It would be a good idea for you to look at my other articles about how to write research papers and argument papers. Applied Science & Technology Collections Research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines, from academic journals and trade journals, professional and technical society journals, and conference proceedings. Then they should start doing a bit of Google searching to find out more. After you have chosen a topic area, you will need to look up the research that has already been done on that topic. 6. Question: Which research topic on Sickle cell disease can I write about? Answer: 1. Great thanks alot. Explain the best practices of management of patients in intensive care. 2. Can … Question: What do you think of, "Why do most women get breast cancer?" for a science research paper? Answer: 1. How likely is it that a pandemic will arise that will kill large numbers of people in the world? Research for 5-15 minutes on the Internet on each of the topics you've chosen. Most of these questions have been used by my students to write a research paper. How well do science museums really teach science? https://wehavekids.com/education/Science-Fair-Proj... 3. 2. 3. It would help if you would reply ASAP. Hey ! Use my information about how to write a research paper to help you finish your project. Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can Darwin's Theory be used to prove similar behavior between humans and monkeys?" 4. Or help best in natural disaster recovery? This journal publishes quantitative studies of natural (mainly but not limited to mineral) resources exploration, evaluation and exploitation, including environmental and risk-related aspects. Hi, I'am Englısh Language Teaching student and I have to choose either a scientific or academic topic for a DİSCUSSİON. The history of development the scientific approach has passed. Natural sciences (physics, chemistry, ecology, biology) Criminal Law and Justice; History (World, US, Anthropology) Medical research topics (Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology) Business (marketing, economics, and finance) Science and technology (computer science, math, statistics) Social sciences (social work, political science, sociology) Other great research paper topics: … Question: I am interested in starting a STEM Capstone course at my high school. How important are the bacteria living in your bowels? 2. How can food crops be best made more nutritious? How does COVID-19 compare with seasonal influenza? Could you give me some samples? Please select any of the topics below for a list of faculty and staff involved. See the following: 1. Is the desktop nanofabrication tool a viable option for low-cost, easy nanotechnology? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 14, 2018: I have lots of health topics. Question: I am a grade 8 student. How doe microplastics harm aquatic creatures? Does Darwin's theory predict similar human and monkey behavior? What is the best way to encourage more people to enter into agriculture? If you don't find a topic here, you might want to look at: 100 Technology Paper Topics for Research Papers. How have meteorites changed our view of the Universe? What should countries do to ease the effects of global warming? How can the bioluminescence GFP from jellyfish be used in medical applications? Be different with other people who don't read this book. How can the food distribution system be improved to prevent food waste? To make your project unique, it helps to tackle a real-world problem. I wanted to write a research about human psychology. Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 15, 2017: Hi Gaea and Meeme, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for in applied science but you might want to check out my science fair experiments or else look at my topics regarding technology topics. How much exercise do people need to do to stay fit? How can we improve the dairy cattle health in developing nations (you can pick a particular nation if you want)? What is the Human Connectome Project and how will mapping of the human brain contribute to scientific knowledge? Thanks for the help. 2. 2. If your project needs to be original, you must also be careful to understand all of the research which has been done previously to make sure you are not repeating what has been done by someone else. I am interested on life science. Why are honey bee colonies weakening and what can be done about it? How can doctors be better prepared to help terminally ill cancer patients with end of life issues? 2. A topic you find a lot of information about when you are researching. Does (natural remedy which is trendy) really help improve skin? These topics you’ve provided are indeed helpful, but then I don’t think I can use them in a small campus based research. Insect Vision. Answer: 1. 5. 2. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 07, 2017: Hi JJ-Try looking at my article on technology topics because that has a lot of links to help you out. What is the most promising direction for increasing battery technology? I have seen some from the given topics but i'm hoping there's more. Should alternative energy companies get government subsidies? Essay-Writing-Tips.com is arguably the best academic problem solver out there! Chооѕіng topic on science and technology саn bе difficult bесаuѕе it соvеrѕ mаnу ѕресіаlіzеd аrеаѕ оf ѕtudу. ", "What was the universe like at the beginning of time? You've come to the right place. There are lots of easy topics you can choose from. Generally, I suggest that students write a short summary of the information they get from a source and then their response to that information, which can include what they learned, what questions the information made you think about, and what you thought was useful or important. Is it realistic that people can live on another planet? This article has a list of many topics, a topic generator and also gives you steps for starting your paper: https://hubpages.com/academia/Academic-Persuasive-... Don't forget to also look for my articles about how to write your paper step by step. How can research on hydrophobic-hydrophilic surfaces help create chemical coatings and how would these be best used? Will delivery drones be bringing us our pizza and mail? How can we solve the problem of "space junk"? Can memory loss and dementia be prevented? Although I chose 2 topics to search for details, but I didn't get details enough, and also the topic must have different prespective by researchers. 2. Is a topic you already know something about. Does evolution refutes the creationist theory? Can listening to music help people to learn? However, creating a winning essay in this filed is easier than you might think. What is the best way to structure the research topic? I live close to mangroves, are there any investigations regarding them? Look at my profile for some examples. Useful tips on topic definition can be found in Topic selection section. Something like: What is the value of space exploration of other planets for humans? Are there products or treatments for pimples which do more harm than good? Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Environmental Science. Here are some possible questions: What are the positive and negative impacts of listening to music? 2. I'm doing a 10-15 page research paper on physics of motion. (mention colossal squids, coelacanth, etc.). What is the effect of oral hygiene on ventilator-associated pneumonia? 5. Answer: You can pick an unusual bone or part of the body and research the importance of that part of the anatomy. Question: Can you suggest some trending research topics in medical physiology? I ask them to read, summarize and respond to the article. Tectonic movements – how the Earth’s face changes. In order to remedy such situation, choose suitable political science research topics that not only meet initial requirements, but suit author’s personal interest and skills. How important is it to explore our solar system? What is the best protection for people helping care for a person with COVID-19? 3. Does having Sickle cell disease have any advantages? However, I don’t know what topic I should pursue. What are the most interesting recent discoveries deep in the ocean? 3. Why is it so hard to find cures for cancer? Organic chemistry research paper topics include: Carbon family; Coal; Cyclamate; Dioxin; Fermentation; Hydrogen; Hydrologic cycle; Lipids; Natural gas; Nitrogen cycle; Nitrogen family; Oxygen family; Ozone; Petroleum; Vitamin; Read more about organic chemistry … You can find them by either looking at my profile page, or Googling my name and "essay topics.". What is ecological engineering and how do we best practice it? 3. 3. Is that true? How can harmful algal blooms be prevented? As you may see, natural sciences offer you a wide variety of topics in all their subdivisions. Moda & Giyim. Question: What is the easiest science topic for a research paper? Chemists are working on making plastics from non-petroleum products. How can metal oxides improve cell phones? If you don't find a good topic in the first search, then pick another 2-3 topics and try again. How can nurses best help reduce postnatal depression? You can research what real-world problems farmers have in your area and design an experiment to test some aspect of growing seeds or plants that relate to their problem. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 03, 2019: Rica and Tomy, I have many more articles on topics for students of all ages. How important was the "green revolution?" 2. 3. January 22 nd, 2021, Scheeßel, DE Register now. just a simple experiment please? Interview essays allow it to be possible that you use individuals as your own resources instead of novels. Do the benefits of nanotechnology for medical uses outweigh the risks? Can covering surfaces with nanoparticles improve airplanes, houses, and other structures? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on November 08, 2017: Good point, Jenna--I'll add a Chemistry section. How do the ear bones work to conduct sound? Answer: 1. It means that there is a vast amount of materials that deal with almost everything we encounter in our lives and things we will hardly ever encounter. Environmental Science Research Paper Topics. Is space exploration really necessary? Are there easy topics that a secondary student could handle. What is "herd immunity" and how can that be developed for a virus? Is using drones for warfare a good or bad idea? 2. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on August 01, 2018: Sure Kayla, you can find 100 different topic ideas in my article here: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Easy-Essay-Topics... Hello.. we're already on experimental research. ", "Are there other planets that support life? If you want to see peculiarities of writing in this subject field, you are welcome to the Natural sciences section. How can we best create sustainable agriculture? Good point Jenna--I'll add a Chemistry section. How can nanotechnology improve diagnostic testing in patients? Additionally, I've written several articles on Alzheimer's and dementia that you might want to look at, you can find them by Googling "Alzheimer's" and "VirginiaLynne on HealDove". 6. 3. Answer: "Is there a multiverse? I have a research paper for science and I am wanting to do it on how music effects the brain. 4. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 19, 2017: Hi Bella--You need to look at my science fair article about growing flowers. Indian Council on Medical Research: The apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research. How can farmers in ______(pick a country) be more successful and productive? How can chemists help prevent allergies? After their presentations, I compile all of the possible research topic questions and let them choose which one they want to pursue. The integumentary system of human as natural biohazard suit. 4. The topic needs to be something that we can physically conduct an experiment on in order to draw results and a conclusion. Answer: For grade 7 you might want to talk about: 2. hi! I have no idea what section of motion I'm going to be discussing, I also need some advice there. Are energy drinks harmful to college students? 9. US foreign policy in the context of world globalism. How can we best encourage alternative energy sources? What is a protease inhibitor and how does it work? Since term papers are not written overnight, you need a topic that interests you, is relatively easy to research, and fits the requirements for the assignment. The conflict of oil interests in Iran. You can also find some easier topics in the life science in these articles: A significant portion of our lives are devoted to earning money, but I'd also like a topic that talks about how finance helps run the world and improve our lives. What is the best strategy for people to avoid getting cancer? What are the best solutions for weeds (you can add a specific crop)? How can family farmers and small-scale farms be helped to raise better crops? What is the best strategy to slow the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases? What is the importance of studying math to be prepared for learning physics? How can we prepare for the eventual post-antibiotic world? What is the use of the plant virus model system? How are robots going to improve medicine? How will DNA sequencing change health care? Question: I am applying for a master's in chemistry and I would love to research on a topic that correlates chemistry and health care. How can nanotechnology be used to work with DNA? How can business people best market new technologies? Pleasse can you help me, what should I do? What kind of fertilizer is the least harmful to the environment (you can narrow this question to discuss a specific agricultural crop)? What is Higgs Boson? Question: What do you think of the topic, What are the physics of a marching snare drum?" What good ideas can I use with like space stuff? Is Europe's opposition to genetically modified crops about science or economics? (pick one or more and evaluate its representation of science). You can also see other articles written by me linked on the side. What is the process of taking a science idea and turning it into a product? Cheers. What causes the change in the temperature at the poles? How important is biocomputing and big data to the future of chemical research? What has been the impact of colonoscopy testing on colon cancer rates? Answer: A STEM capstone course is an excellent idea to get students interested in pursuing a STEM career. These documents aren’t limited to a particular nation or area. What are the latest developments in the chemistry of adhesives? Question: What are some botany topic questions for a research paper? The question can then be answered in more than one way and the different answers can be the topics. The easiest paper to write will be: 2. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on May 17, 2017: Hi Anne--You might want to look at my article on 100 Technology ideas. 4. Can molecular biological research of rare genetic disorders help provide keys to understanding cancer and other illnesses? Question: Is there any research topic related to finance and marketing? 4. 2. However, I am having trouble coming up with a specific question to research. So, we're struggling now in changing our topic. Answer: How can plants be used to produce pharmaceuticals? 4. Write out those instructions for yourself in your own words and then show them to your instructor to see if you are correct in your understanding. How did human speech develop? What are the important issues about privacy and big data? Who are the Denisovans and how does their discovery alter our view of human evolution? Answer: I'm not sure that this would be a clear and easy question to answer. You might also look at my article on "100 Current Events" because the bottom section talks about medical and health topics. really interested in molecular biology and genome mapping. What is a chimera and how could it help stem cell research? ", "How did the beginning of the universe make life possible? Conservational biology of parasites – madness or wisdom. Science research paper topics related to biochemistry include: Is the paleo diet (eating mostly meat) really the way prehistoric people lived? Question: Which question about cancer could I consider as possible topics for a research paper? How will nanotechnology be helpful in civil engineering in the near future? Hi, I am grade 12 student and i am doing a very important presentation on CAD coronary artery disease also known as Ischemic heart disease (IHD). Best quality grades can be obtained by doing your research on these topics by college students. What is the effect of nanotechnology on research and development of medical technologies? Why doesn't rising global food production feed people who are hungry? How can it best be treated? New branches of science appearing due to the progress of existing ones (extragalactic astronomy, evolutionary biology, biotechnology, etc.) Apr 18, 2015 - Great topic ideas for science essays, links to articles to begin your research, writing tips, and step-by-step instructions for writing your paper. Why do scientists think that COVID-19 came from bats? 2.What is the best treatment for people with dementia? Molecular Imaging and Therapy for Cancer Treatment. Is photon more like a wave or more like a particle? How much sleep do we really need? If you are tired of writing your scientific research paper of college on repeated and common topics then here are some research paper topics on science from experts. What are the most interesting mathematical problems in physics research today? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 12, 2017: Hi Katie--I'd start with an example of when the physics of motion is helpful, or used, or happens in daily life. That will involve getting financing and a company to do that marketing. Why is nuclear fusion always just out of reach? Question: Hi, I'm a grade 12 student and I need help coming up with a research topic. Scientific Topics For Research Papers: Mathematics. 3. What is the connection between chemicals in seawater and cloud formation? Are we really in a post-antibiotic era as the CDC recently announced? Should we invest in further research and development? Proofs and disproofs of the Big Bang Theory. You can find my articles on my profile, or Google "VirginiaLynne" and "owlcation.". Now that you have gathered the information on your topic, read it carefully and take notes. Geology is focal on the Earth itself, meteorology is focal on the atmosphere and its related processes, oceanography is focused on the Earth’s oceans and Astronomy is the study of the universe. Question: Can you suggest research topics for agricultural students? I’m a STEM senior high student by the way, if that could help. So I've already put down environmental management as my topic and "destruction" as my heading because I was going to conduct an experiment on something else. Question: Can you suggest research topics about life or biological science? If you did not find a topic in this list, don't worry! Could you please suggest some topics for the both of us? hi love the articles but Im doing a lab that the title is: will a flower grow faster and more efficiently in cold or hot water but I don't know that purpose is? Chemistry Research Topics for The Best Papers. You can have your students use my article here and my technology article to get a start. How is COVID-19 related to other human viruses (SARS, MERS, other coronaviruses)? Why is the diversity of the crop sorghum been decreasing, and what should be done about this? 3. Can microelectronics inside of contact lenses help diabetics control their blood sugar? 3. How can mining big data in the healthcare industry make us healthier? I am at school and I wanna ask. Will researchers really be able to use genetics to help us. What products really work to help teenagers with pimples? Question: What are some possible topics on biology for a science research paper? Why do scientists not know if people who have had coronavirus will have immunity? Science Topics for Research Papers. How are insects being used as models for miniature robots? Is it possible to have people live on Mars as Elon Musk wants to do? What are the chemicals that trigger allergies? Environmental science research papers involve a lot of research and analysis, keeping in mind other sciences such as biology, physics and chemistry, which is why they can be so difficult for many students. Why has there been a sharp increase in people with Alzheimer's disease? Then each student presents what they have learned to the whole class. Different ways of preserving food products throughout time. 6. infectious diseases like the flesh eating disease is interesting to read about. Typical articles use geoscientific data or analyses to assess, test, or compare resource-related aspects. Since I don't know your interests and background, I can't choose a topic for you, but I suggest you follow these guidelines: 1. How can people best prepare their bodies to fight a COVID-19 infection? Nuclear Fusion with Lasers. What is the most accurate tool for screening depression in newly admitted patients? https://letterpile.com/writing/Easy-Ways-to-Write-... https://hubpages.com/academia/100-Current-Events-R... https://owlcation.com/academia/How-to-Write-an-Int... https://hubpages.com/academia/100-Interview-Essay-... https://owlcation.com/academia/100-Science-Argumen... https://hubpages.com/academia/100-Technology-Topic... https://hubpages.com/stem/Science-Project-How-Does... https://wehavekids.com/education/Science-Fair-Proj... https://owlcation.com/stem/Fun-Baking-Science-Fair... https://hubpages.com/humanities/Essay-Topic-Ideas.... https://hubpages.com/academia/100-Easy-Argumentati... https://hubpages.com/humanities/Easy-Essay-Topics-... https://wehavekids.com/education/Sports-Medicine-S... https://owlcation.com/humanities/150-Argument-Essa... https://hubpages.com/academia/Academic-Persuasive-... https://hubpages.com/humanities/150-English-Essay-... https://owlcation.com/academia/100-Easy-Argumentat... https://owlcation.com/humanities/Easy-Essay-Topics... https://owlcation.com/stem/Science-Project-How-Doe... What are the steps for developing a COVID-19 vaccine? I would want to tackle the problem of raising awareness in mental health. 4. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on April 16, 2018: Hi Alex, you could research about the ecology of mangroves, how they are being affected by rising seas, or what is being done to preserve them. What is the best indicator of an increased risk of heart disease? 2. It is the study of how plants, animals, and microbes function at the level of molecules. Do you have any topic suggestions on global warming? Proofs and disproofs of the Big Bang Theory. How does stress affect the heart? So here we are giving you the list of essential quantitative research topic ideas prepared by our essay helpers for the nursing, stem, ABM, gas, hums & senior high school students that need to be focused. Is photon more like a wave or more like a particle? You must approve your topic with me, whether or not it is on the list. What are the newest advances in battery science? I have many other articles that can help you write your paper. Are smaller farms more ecologically sound than larger farms? You can also look at this article under current science topics for some good ideas of things in the news: https://hubpages.com/academia/100-Current-Events-R... Scroll down to the end section about "Science and Technology." How has the anti-GMO movement affected the development of crops with better nutrition and better drought resistance? Which type of multi media teaching method is most effective for science students? These documents aren ’ t know what topic I should pursue nanotechnology research... Etc. ) does Chinese traditional medicine work better than Western medicine in some cases: here some! Together such different spheres of knowledge as astronomy and physics States return the! 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