Piece-by-piece, we are beginning to tell the world, through our lives and our words and our affections, that God alone is awesome. You put up a statue of Stalin, you want people to look at Stalin and think about Stalin. Our judicial sense, the whole legal system, a sense of right and wrong and justice and injustice. It is why we turn to the Bible for answers to problems that we face. 6:20). © 2021 Christ Community Church. The bottom line is, image bearing has a lot of right definitions because we are unique and complex creatures made by an infinite and gloriously multifaceted God. Unedited Transcript. God’s purpose in creation, therefore, was to fill the earth with his own glory. Because Scripture tells us “You were bought with a price…” (1 Cor. We are made in the likeness of God to exhibit his presence on earth. We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. Because we, the people of God, are to be salt and light (Matt. If “The heavens are telling the glory of God” (Ps. We are spreaders of God’s glory. But since God made man like himself, man’s dominion over the world and his filling the world is a display — an imaging forth — of God. All rights reserved. We’re no longer bound by the civil codes of Leviticus because God doesn’t have a nation-state on earth anymore. 4) Also, does the bible really exist like the first bible ever made. Back in APJ episode #153, Piper again picked up the point about statues, asking, “What would it mean if you created seven billion statues of yourself and put them all over the world? There Piper says: Books by the hundreds have been written on the imago dei, as it’s called. The original translation pages - the autograph - of the Vulgate is not extant (that is: we don't know if it exists or if it does not). 43:7) and “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name…” (1 Chr. I was created like a mirror. We have always done that, and we always will do that. First and fundamentally, to image God means in our most human selves, we are spreaders. The mirror gets turned around and we see the glory of God again and the defilement gets wiped off gradually and we begin to reflect God. The Psalmist declared, “Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples” (Ps. Rom. ), but the specific rules were all fulfilled in Jesus. When speaking with the Lord in Exodus 33, he said, “…let me know Thy ways, that I may know Thee” (13). The Apostle Paul articulated it well when he said to the Church at Corinth, we are to “…glorify God in your (our) body” (1 Cor. That’s what images do. Wayne Grudem , in his epic work titled Systematic Theology narrows it down to three main purposes, which we … He didn’t acquire joy by looking for it. The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” the answer is “no.” He has authored 80 books and booklets, personally established over 50 congregations, and appeared as a guest on The History Channel. This Truth comes from Knowing GOD and having a relationship with Jesus Christ as it says in John 14:6-7 Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. . Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good? When there is “glory” in the church, people will hunger and thirst for righteousness, their hearts will be aflame with a need to serve God and their community will be affected by their constant desire to share Christ. He’s the end, you’re the means. Are we here to equip the saints? Just to do whatever He wanted to do? Am I succeeding? "Why do we exist" is a reflective question that has been pondered for millennia. God’s aim, therefore, was that man would so act that he would mirror forth God, who has ultimate dominion. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. I don't believe it to be a requirement, but I'll admit it is an expectation. Some make an entirely unsubstantiated claim we exist because of random occurrences and that there is no purpose to life. There are over 5,800 Greek New Testament manuscripts known to date, along with over 10,000 Hebrew Old Testament manuscripts and over 19,000 copies in Syriac, Coptic, Latin, and Aramaic languages. We are made by God to image him in the world. For us to live out this purpos… Redemption recovers some of the lost luster and amplifies the spread. Such a simple sentence can put you on a long search in the attempt to wrap your arms around the full implications. Why do we minister to both healthy and hurting families?” We found the answer succinctly spelled out in “The Westminster Shorter Catechism” when it asks, “What is the chief end of man?” The response is, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” The highest purpose we as individuals can have is to be so totally absorbed in the person of God that we view all of life through eyes filled with His wonder and glory. Moses was a man driven by a passion to know the living God. Answer: Is there such a thing as ghosts? God redeems us … Because we want to manifest our priority to live Him, we seek to cultivate every experience so that the will of Christ is expressed. To be made in God’s image means, at a foundational level, we were created to show the world how precious and deeply satisfying God is. Answer: The Bible says nothing about the pre-existence of souls because this is a man-made idea with no basis in truth. In other words, don’t be as concerned about ruling in eternity as you should be about revealing Me to humanity. When God is disobeyed, His glory departs (1 Sam. How he explains our role as image-bearers is consistent, but it’s also scattered throughout John Piper’s articles, paragraphs in books, statements, interviews, and forewords. For example: If God is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the world? We are being changed into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15; 3:10; Romans 8:29). In each case it sounds slightly different, but it remains the same. Whether it was the “breaking of bread” (celebration), “praying” (intercession), the “selling of their property, possessions, and sharing” (participation) or “with gladness and sincerity worshipping together” (adoration), they cultivated every experience to express the will of Christ (cf. He cannot sin because He is holy. Tony Reinke is senior writer for Desiring God and author of. One of the most often asked questions from people new to our church is, “Why does your church exist?” And this is really a very good question. Why does the Bible exist? That is what God is doing by his Spirit. To be succinct - we exist … That’s why the prophet Jeremiah recorded, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me…” (9:23, 24). God is not unhappy about himself. Question: "What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?" We reflect God. We know God will act in accordance to His nature and will. Putting all these pieces together we can see one precious implication for why God created us. We live in a way, we think in a way, we feel in a way, we speak in a way that calls attention to the brightness of the glory of God. I’m going to avoid the whole controversy and say something much simpler, and I think just as profound: Images are created to image. Of course, we may wisely look at some of the principles in Israel’s civil laws as we think of our own societal politics (principles about public health, caring for the poor, etc. 8:29-30). He is a promise-keeper. It was the one time that he didn't turn to God that he made the biggest, worst decision of his life. . He came to do the will of God. But to find this one point, there’s not one place to go, not simply one book chapter on image bearing. The imago dei remains present even in fallen humanity, but in a marred and broken capacity. 5:16). Does Christ Community Church exist to present the gospel to those in the San Gabriel Valley? “Glory in the church” is the very presence of God so actively at work among His people that they live to honor and praise His holy name. 5:20), we have been chosen to “… proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). 19:1), how much more should we who were created for His glory (Is. If Happiness is there, then congnition must be present and existence as well. Why do we die? 6:19), this must be a priority. Am I failing at life? If people look at our lives and see only self-absorption, they get the light-sucking side of a mirror, and we fail to be what God fully created us to be, for we fail to cast the grandeur and magnificence of God back into the world. 10:31, he reiterated this same point when he said, “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Paul also prayed for those in Ephesus, who were of like precious faith, that they might experience “…glory in the church” (Eph. Next, in his seminal book Desiring God, Piper goes on to explain: “According to the text [Genesis 1:26–27], creation exists for man. Our struggle to know Him, live Him, and share Him will continue until we go home to be with Him. Welcome to Man in the Mirror’s Men’s Bible Study, where we always have room for one more guy! No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus speaks: "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." //Why does the God of the Bible exist only in a book?// Thank you for the A2A. - John 6:38. And the point of being redeemed by Jesus, and renewed after the image of our Creator, is to recover this destiny” (7). Scroll down to listen to a beautiful song on why we were made and why we are here – … Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”. For this end we were created. Many Bible Versions from Many Manuscripts . . “The lack of evidence does not mean a person at the time didn’t exist. Our life as one family is meant to bring the transforming power of Jesus Christ into our community, region, and world. He exposed himself to the glory of God, and joy was the natural byproduct. The Bible instructs believers to examine themselves, but does it tell us to what extent or how often we should question our salvation? For Moses, knowing God was more than just being aware of His existence, more than having information about who He is, even more than having some kind of religious experience– and so it must be for us. In fact, they are important reasons, but none of them is the reason. It doesn’t reflect anything. So the ‘Why do we exist?’ question is the biggest question we can ever ask ourselves. Because we know suffering does exist, it causes people to look for answers. And why do I exist in the first place? From here there’s one more puzzle piece to bring into the discussion. 43:7). You put up a statue of George Washington to be reminded of the founding fathers. For one, we don't know that dating didn't exist in the bible. For this end we exist eternally. These are all good reasons. When repentance and forgiveness is not preached, proclaimed, studied, and taught, we forget our mission and why we exist as a church. In his foreword to Sam Crabtree’s book Practicing Affirmation, Piper writes: “The point of being created in the image of God is that human beings are destined to display God. In the fall, Satan persuaded me that my image is more beautiful than God’s image, and so I flip the mirror over. Why do you ever set up an image of anything? Christians who ignore the exposition and application of God’s Word will be “…destroyed for lack of knowledge,” warns Hosea (4:6). Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Only then can we truly give Him glory (Cf. He wanted desperately to remain in God's will, so he turned to God often for help. Why We Exist. Why did Jesus come down from heaven to earth? We’re on a mission to change that. But what exactly does this mean for my life? So people would look at the way you behave, look at the way you think, the way you feel, and say, “God must be great, God must be real.” That is why you exist. Joshua 7:19). Know that God does everything He does because it is right and because it is good. To really know God is to have who He is rub off in such a way He influences what we do, where we go and even who we are. The MAIN reason Christ left us on earth after saving our souls is so we would be His witnesses. 16:8 and 9, King David said making the Lord his passion gave him great gladness and joy. So, that we may learn from those who came before us, as … Our spirituality, our ability to relate to God. He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return (Psalm 78:39). If God’s people are bored with God, they are really bad images. Our aesthetic sense — you don’t find too many monkeys creating Mona Lisas. You and I need to have a life-changing relationship with the living God, through the redemptive work of Christ, that impacts every area of our life. But when they disobeyed him, they sinned, and eventually they died. The early church understood what it meant to participate together in fellowship so that God was honored. When we have a big decision to make, we should always look to God first. However: there are very many copies of the Vulgate in existence. 3:10). Then he transitions from marble to mirrors, to explain how we reflect God: Here’s the picture in my mind. It turns out, what it means to be made in God’s image comes with a lot of right answers. “Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the Word that by it, you may grow…,” says Peter in his first epistle (2:2). Acts 2:42-47). And in salvation two things happen. “Historically,” John Piper said in one Ask Pastor John episode, “people have said to be made in God’s image is our morality, our sense of right and wrong. 14. Getting to the BIG why question - we exist for joy - but that joy cannot be realized independently. Images are created to set forth the reality. 3:21). No! It’s a huge issue. I’ll attempt to gather and superglue together the image-bearing picture. And I think, frankly, all of those are true and aspects of what it means to be in God’s image” (episode 153). Question: "What does the Bible say about the pre-existence of souls?" Death - What does the Bible say about it? As the early church was”…continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching…” (Acts 2:42a), so must we create an environment where the Word of Christ is explored. and all people do is try everything but. To show God! Purpose: Why Do I Exist? And not only does the edification of the saints include Bible study, but it also consists of encouraging one … From that time, they sought to capture each encounter to explain the way to Christ. To be made in God’s image means, at a foundational level, we were created to show the world how precious and deeply satisfying God is. And its more lyrical expression in terms of our ‘chief end’ in life elevates it far above mundane functionality into the mysteries of humanity as it reflects the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Instead, the mirror casts a shadow in the shape of itself on the ground. 1, 2 Timothy, Titus). We are a nondenominational Bible based site that exists to freely share the good news from God to the entire world so you can KNOW the Truth about life and eternity. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. To image it! Therefore, in order to make it our passion to know Him, we at Christ Community Church seek to create an environment where the Word of Christ is explored. We at Christ Community Church looked beyond the obvious and asked ourselves, “Why do we preach? That does not mean He personally leaves, but it does mean His attributes can no longer be seen. 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