The Common Complaints About Squatting and Deadlifts There are two common complaints people have about doing squats and deadlifts and both stem from the same source. The platform moves along a fixed track and your hips and lumbar are in a fixed position as you sit in the seat in order to lift the weighted platform. Synergist muscles perform or help perform, the same set of joint motion as the agonists (the primary mover). Effectiveness – It challenges every muscle in the body, similar to a squat or a deadlift. Nobody cares how much you can leg press. A leg press is better than a squat for some things and not for others. The four percent variances in the lifts and their further variances with regard to the squat when extrapolated to the deadlift reveals that a deadlift can be 50-68% higher than the squat. Squeeze your glutes when you squat. Leg presses allow you to gain leg strength since you will be focusing on the leg muscles. When the leg press is utilizing a weight stack, it usually hovers a little over the 300-lb mark. Seems like 40% is a more accurate transalation. Position and Security: because of the seated position, leg press machines tend to be safer for people with prior injuries or weak joints. However even the smallest women can load the plates up on the leg press. So, if you bench 200 pounds for a one-rep max, your squat should be pushing 266. The squat is a functional movement. I'm able to bench 135 and deadlift 185, so my squat should be a lot more than 135, right? Brian clarified, “The squat works the total body and is much safer than the leg press. I.e, you squat 325 for 3 reps as your intensity work for the day, so you would do 600-700 lb leg press as your volume work for the day. When it comes to benefits, it isn’t just a safe exercise, it also happens to be a very … It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it may mean that you are not equally lifting your body. As you see there is nothing for you to fixate when sitting in the driver’s seat of the leg press machine as the machine itself is facilitating the fixation action for you. The squat is wayyyyyy better than a leg press. The same thing can be said about the leg press when compared to the squat. The expand the discussion, there are articles which compare the TBDL (trap bar dead lift) with both the back squat and the leg press and suggest that the TBDL can be an acceptable variation for both. The easiest way to learn to squat correctly is to start box squatting, it is hard as hell, but after a couple of months you will be much stronger. They are the best for working out quads since the exercise does not require more emphasis on hamstrings and glutes. She struggled with 115 pound squat for 5 reps but leg presses a 450 incline for 15 problem. I’ve seen more videos of this on YouTube and Instagram than I care to admit and though these scenarios tend to provide a lot of humorous content for many comedians…such a ridiculous attempt is both scary and dangerous to me and I’m a professional strength coach. Leg press is for weenies lol. Androgenic – body hair, the tone of your voice and other masculi… While the traditional squat is a great way to build muscle, your muscles will start to adapt to the movement over time. Safety – Trap Bar Deadlifts are safer than both squats and conventional deadlifts. Obviously, if you’re looking to surpass the intermediate level, you’ll need to be able to squat much more than these recommended values. But the leg press has more variables, more simplicity, and a lower risk of injury. There is no comaparison, squats are way harder. You are currently viewing the message boards in: Curious to what is a good general 45 degree incline leg press translation to barbell back squat. Why is that? 1. Leg Press. You can do them instead if you want, but if you want to get as strong and as much development as possible do the squat. If you’re just looking for baseline data for beginners, men should be able to squat about 65% of their body weight while women are expected to squat about 50% of their body weight. Not to be gross, but this is where one of the biggest needs of the ability to squat came from. Nothing. References. Very Comfortable. However, a leg press that takes weight plates can hold quite a bit more. That is why everyone can leg press a lot more plates than they can squat. If I had to guess there is virtually never going to be a situation in your life where you would sit in a fixed position and simply push a sled away from your body. You're also pushing at an angle of 45 degrees so gravity isn't working against you like it does when you squat. Synergist muscles act on movable joints. A leg press stabilizes the weight for you. (2001). I hear that you should be able to squat about 50%. More Weight: leg press machines can typically accommodate a higher maximum weight giving you more room to grow. The squat requires stability from all your body. However, I would argue that with the leg press this almost seems to be a badge of honor with many guys. Testosterone is a hormone released from your testes. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about when you see those guys in the gyms load up the leg press platform with damn near every 45 lb. The leg press also works the quads, hamstrings and glutes. For me it is less but i dont barbell squat now and only do leg press and lunges. He never did a leg press, but he’d squat until the cows came home. As if it’s not dangerous enough that they’re maxing out the machine itself they then get into the seat of the leg press with all of that weight hovering above them. And if you were just trying a squat for fun to compare to the leg press, you would not have the technique to put out a comparable effort, so the comparison would be meaningless. Like me she dont normally do squats. Back squats Because you’re sitting in this fixed position and moving a platform along a set of tracks you are eliminating any need for stabilizing muscles to be activated in order for you lift and move the weight. The leg press group saw a much less notable difference in performance with squat jumps at 3.5% and countermovement jumps at 0.5%. In the meantime, split the difference and use them both where applicable. Say i can deep leg press 450 for 10 reps could the average joe parellel squat 225 for 5 reps. You’re certainly not going to be able to demonstrate and train the hip hinge with the leg press either as your hips are locked into place. Both the leg press and squat are intended to strengthen the muscles of your legs, but the leg press has several limiting factors concerning the action of the movement compared to the squat… and the squat strengthens more than just your legs. So, the leg press benefits people with back problems more than squats. Although the leg press is a good workout addition, especially if you want to build strong quads, the potential for injury may be greater than with squats. My gf leg press 410 for 8 to 10 but squats 155 for 8 and has been squatting for over a year now. Rainbow. My simplest answer is look at Tom Platz. I doubt. I keep my head facing foward, my feet point ahead and shoulder-width, my back straight, and my weight into my heels...what am I doing wrong? Both of these exercises are great for targeting your quadriceps with some secondary hamstring and glute activation. If you can hit 500 on the leg press for 10 reps you’ll be lucky if you can get in more than 3 full squats with 185. Is there a benefit to doing the leg press? Because the legs are more isolated in the leg press, and your upper body is supported by the machine, you can work with much more weight than you could with barbell squats. In fact that might be a bit high. I know plenty of people that cannot squat 300 lbs yet can easily leg press over 1000 lbs. Just yesterday I convinced one of my friends that the leg press wouldn’t get him as jacked as squatting. The parallel squat group saw a 12.4% increase in squat jump performance and a 12% increase in countermovement jump performance. I hear that you should be able to squat about 50%. This makes it essential for building muscle and strength 2. The squat is one of 7 foundational movements that allow you to live life as an able-bodied human being. Usually, you squat about a 30-35%, sometimes 25% if you suck at squats, of what you leg press, but leg press shouldn't be done heavy anyway. Most people in the gym don't know how to squat properly and most that do squat, don't load the weight up. With the leg press, you’re also not training yourself to be able to get into the squat position to take on tasks such as gardening, to work in low positions, or to get in and out of tight places like you might need to do with a home construction project. The squat requires good form, and core strength that the leg press does not. The squat has a much greater range of movement than the leg press, meaning that the muscles that are being recruited are all doing much more work than the leg press can offer. I see guys all the time load 5/6 plates per side and bust out a few reps, half assed at that, but probably couldn't break parallel with 225 on a bar across their back. Hedging my answer in reminders that broad strokes with “ideal ratios” and the like are not always the most applicable, the commonly accepted norm is a 4:3 ratio with squat-to-bench. On other hand my gf is up to 400 (slightly less then i or her gf) on leg press but can squat 155 for 10 reps (which is more then i or her gf). Everyone is different, and we all need some help to figure out the best options for us based on our body's abilities, age, sex, and ultimately, goals. In my opinion/experience there is very little crossover. Brandon Richey Fitness in Buford, Georgia. Squats can also be done without any weights . Haykowsky et al., This answer may be more serious and pedantic that you were looking for, but.....There is a lot more to doing squats that just pushing the bar up and down that IMO, it's not worth the effort to try to "predict" one from the other. Would that be a 45 degree press or a horizontal. If you were planning to switch from a leg press to squats, you would start at a lower weight in order to learn technique, so the squat lifting weight at first would have little relationship to your leg press weight. There was no difference in outer quad activation [ 7 ]. Since this post i have also noticed you cant hang your hat on a comparable. Same reason why people can push more plates on smith machine chest press versus an actual bench press I've been doing it on hypertrophy days kind of as a toss in (hanging head in shame - I subbed them for barbell lunges because i loathe lunges....). Say i can deep leg press 450 for 10 reps could the average joe parellel squat 225 for 5 reps. However, there is going to be many situations that arise in your life where you’ll have to demonstrate to some level an ability to squat…even if it’s a partial attempt. Obvious other muscle being engaged with squat. More like 185 for 5 i would think or less. When you sit on the leg press machine you’re not training yourself to be better, or more capable of picking something up off of the ground, or for even being able to do something as natural as to take a crap. This basically bleeds you of developing any strength throughout your core, or pillar like you would when resting a barbell on your back, or holding one in the racked position during a barbell front squat movement. Photography by Bev Childress of Fort Worth, Texas. She good at the leg press and got big musculsr legs looking legs. Because the leg press doesn’t require much stability, balance, or coordination, it won’t transfer to broader athletic movements such as running, jumping, or contact sports. Do you think I'm using bad form? Just remember that a lack of mobility is a lack of function and a lack of function means a lack of mobility…and possibly stability. According to one study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a free weight squat activates 26% more hamstrings, 34% more calves and a whopping 49% more inner quads than Smith machine squats. Squats offer more variations than leg presses do, and each type of squat works your muscles in a slightly different way. plate in the gym. Could barely lift 135# once, talk about humbling. It has two very distinct mechanisms by which it promotes and maintains masculinity – androgenic andanabolic. It is a natural steroid and a potent regulator of all that makes you a man. There are always exceptions and a village idiot exists everywhere you go, but for the most part, the ego would rather load that platform on the leg press than feel it on his, or her back. Natural strength can play a factor in this as well, so that may naturally be the case. The difference here is the amount of weight you can work with. From my experience, while it can build size leg press strength does not transfer to squat strength. When jumping in the seat of the leg press to place your feet up onto the platform you’re simply moving a sled up and down on a set of tracks in order to lift the weight. Leg press machines can hold 8 or more plates on each side and even more loaded on top. From these we can extrapolate to a deadlift to squat percentage. Left Ventricular Wall Stress During Leg Press Performed with a Brief Valsalva Maneuver. What you generally see in these scenarios is a shitload of weight and the guy ends up moving his legs up and down only a couple of inches. Both the leg press and squat are intended to strengthen the muscles of your legs, but the leg press has several limiting factors concerning the action of the movement compared to the squat… and the squat strengthens more than just your legs. Even though the leg press can also place a lot of pressure on the spine when it is overloaded. Plus, a leg press machine provides a much more targeted leg workout than the traditional squat. When you are using the same amount of weight, there is far less pressure on the spine when you are using the leg press than when you are using the squat exercise. After all it looks way cooler to load up 6 or more 45 pound plates on each side of the leg press than to get under the bar in the squat rack with only 1 or 2 each side. Unlike squats, which needs you to have a spotter, you can do leg presses alone as long as you … I can leg-press 2-something (maybe 240lbs) but when I squat, I'm only able to do 135lbs. I can talk about this stuff for hours and I think it's important that everyone understands what it means when they make certain exercise choices. The Benefits of Leg Press Over Squat Hack . I believe there can be uses for the leg press, but for the most part, if you happen to be an able-bodied person you should practice to improve your squat on a frequent basis. (People who can perform ultra-heavy barbell squats, can often do complete leg presses with up to seven, 45-pound plates on each side.) The leg press is pretty much going to be more isolating to your quads in its application than anything else. I admit I’ve seen many people butcher the squat as well, but in most cases, a guy’s ego can be crushed when trying to load up too much weight for the squat because when the bar is on your back you are directly going to feel that weight. If you want to work on a better understanding of squat movement patterns you can train with me at Brandon Richey Fitness in Buford, Georgia or remotely. So, squat vs leg press is not a dilemma for you … They have specific uses and situations where they work best. I am bad at back squats. Intensity – Most people can trap bar deadlift more than they will ever be able to squat. Anabolic – testosterone helps to regulate protein synthesis. By varying your movements with a leg machine, you can hit all of the muscle groups in your legs in new ways. I noticed the horizontal leg press i push much less and 200 pounds seems similiar to 400 on the 450 incline, Nothing wrong with your knees going over your toes in squatting. The same thing can be said about the leg press when compared to the squat. That will incorporate them so you can lift more. Leg press, conventional squats, and hack squats are all essential workout for you. Hack Squat vs. Leg Press. It’s the preferred exercise for … The squat is a natural movement. When squatting you must be capable of demonstrating ankle mobility, knee flexion, and hip mobility when settling down into the squat movement. The leg press has less sport application . This is a total waste of time in an attempt to build strength and on top of that is incredibly dangerous. If you’re using one leg more than the other, the machine won’t provide you with the same feedback as the squat would. Just yesterday friend of my gf tried squats with my gf. Sure they’re both cars and have similar parts, but they are nothing alike. Check out these simple workouts and fun exercises that can be done at-home with makeshift or no equipment at all. In terms of building your balance and perfecting a slightly more convenient move, the hack squat wins. Is a Prius anything like a Shelby Cobra Mustang? Synergists are muscles that facilitate the fixation action which in the case of you lifting a free weight such as a bar or kettlebell allows you to keep it steady during the up and down part of the movement. When you’re forced to stabilize the weight like you would with a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell during a goblet squat you are activating what is known as synergist muscles. You understand yourself better than anyone, and you know your goals. My early days lifting I only did leg press, worked up to 500# for reps before I decided to give squats a go. Rainbow your squat level i cant do yet. You are doing great. But because there is less range of motion than there is with the squat, the quads work harder with this exercise. For me it is less but i dont barbell squat now and only do leg press and lunges. Her press is about the same as i but her squat even slightly weaker then mine. There’s no doubt when it comes to both the squat and the leg press that your average gym goer will find a way to destroy their ROM during both of these exercises. Get updates and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. From the information provided, you can almost identify which exercise will bring the best result for you. There is a lot more to doing squats that just pushing the bar up and down that IMO, it's not worth the effort to try to "predict" one from the other. Curious to what is a good general 45 degree incline leg press translation to barbell back squat. If you bench more than you squat, then you are most likely benching much more than you are squatting. *Leg presses are a tried and true alternative to squats, and many people who experience knee pain during a regular squat find that they’re able to leg press pain free. 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