It is also available for free to players who bought the special or ultimate editions of RDR2. To do so, look through the back window first then force the doctor into the backroom. Cant even look at it. However, their lack of accuracy makes them ineffective weapons. You can get rid of your Cattlemen Revolver as soon as you obtain the Schofield Revolver. Range is as bad as all the others, … Online. Normal ammo comes in regular, high velocity (boosts damage and range), express (bigger boost to damage), split point (higher damage and accurac… Loki: 10 Things To Remember Before Starting The Show, Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Worthless Weapons Everyone Uses (And 11 That Are Way Better), Cobra Kai: The Most Mind-Blowing Surprises Of Season 3, Gilmore Girls: Luke's 10 Most Questionable Life Choices, The Last Picture Show & 9 Other Best Peter Bogdanovich Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes, 10 Huge Gaming Disappointments Everyone Forgets About, Gilmore Girls: 10 Times Fans Judged Lorelai's Moral Compass, Pixar: Soul's Joe Gardner & 9 Other Greatest Heroes, Ranked, 5 Things Watch Dogs Legion Gets Right (& 5 Things It Gets Wrong), The Office: 5 Of Jim’s Pranks That Were Good Natured (& 5 That Were Outright Bullying), Jane Austen Heroines, Sorted Into Game Of Thrones Houses, Five Nights At Freddy's: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Toy Bonnie, The Hunger Games: 10 Celebrities Who Were Almost Cast, Family Guy: The Best Episode Of Every Season 1-10, Ranked By IMDb, The 10 Most Fun Survivor Locations, Ranked, 10 English Period Dramas To Watch If You Like Netflix's Bridgerton, 10 Best Uses Of CGI In The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Ranked, 10 Tips For Reaching The Max Level In Borderlands 2, Mike & Molly: 10 Best Season 3 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb, The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Babylon 5 Characters. The Volcanic pistol is the best sidearm in Red Dead Redemption 2 for inflicting maximum damage at close range. Although the accuracy is good, the slow firing rate and reload speed mean that you'd better hit your target with the first shot. The scope is worthless. Itâs actually really unfortunate that they arenât more effective. You can also use the Deadeye system to improve your targeting. Peep through the back window before you go inside and then force the doctor to take you to the room where he keeps the gun. You can obtain the Varmint Rifle from all gunsmiths after you have completed mission "Eastward Bound". If you are good with headshots. If you ever get into a fight, the tomahawk is a reliable weapon to use. Some weapons are listed as worthless because they are of very limited or restricted utility, which means that they are effectively useless in most situations. SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN - Stats & Customization. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the RedDeadOnline community, A subreddit for the Online portion of the critically acclaimed video game Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The volcanic is a bit of an outlier - it has the slowest fire rate, best accuracy, and best damage of any sidearms. The best revolver weapon in Red Dead Redemption 2. When playing online, I used the Hi-power pistol. It is brutally effective compared to fists and other knives. I'm currently only running Lancaster/Pump in PvP. Also worth noting is that cattleman, schofield, and volcanic are single action - when using one you will need a trigger pull to fire, a second one to cock the … RANKING EVERY REVOLVER From WORST To BEST in Red Dead Online (RDR2 Best Weapons) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Thankfully, though, you can overcome these disadvantages by dual-wielding the weapon. The bow is a way better alternative to throwing knives and poison throwing knives in Red Dead Redemption 2. It has the same benefits of Calloway’s Revolver but has a unique golden engraved exterior. The Carbine Repeater can be purchased from all gunsmiths. You can obtain the Sawed-Off Shotgun and get a chance to experience its raw power by buying it from any gunsmith. What's the use of all of that damage power when the enemy has to walk right up to you before you get a fair chance to hit them? The low caliber ammunition ensures that minimal damage is done to the pelt and meat of small animals and large birds. Hier zeigen wir Euch die besten Waffen in Red Dead Redemption 2 und Red Dead Online. Don't count on refunds then. Similar to Red Dead Redemption, ammunition is generalized by weapon type, but with more sub-variety this time. There are also rare and unique versions of these standard weapons that can be found only at special locations through treasure hunts, by shooting down gunslingers, or by completing special side missions. The tomahawk inflicts considerable damage for a melee weapon. Dual-wielded, the Sawed-Off Shotgun is a beast that rips apart enemies who are unfortunate enough to stand in your way. Cattleman and Double-Action Revolver lack precision and range to compete with Repeaters and are dominated by shotguns up close. John's Cattleman Revolver and the standard version are among the poorest sidearms available in Red Dead Redemption 2. Throwing knives are small blades with handles designed to be balanced in the hand and thrown at enemies. In Red Dead Redemption 2, fists are classified as weapons and can be used for close-quarters combat. You can only knock them down or knock them out. The poor accuracy and poor reload speed makes the double-barreled shotgun a poor choice of weapon for most combat situations in Red Dead Redemption 2. Although the accuracy is good, the slow firing rate and reload speed mean that you'd better hit your target with the first shot. Unlike the Molotov cocktail, dynamite is very effective for liquidating groups of adversaries at once. You will be glad that you have the Springfield when you get into fights in which stopping power, rather than rapid fire, is crucial. Find out all stats and tips to know for VOLCANIC PISTOL in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). The low accuracy coupled with the limited shell capacity (two shells) makes the gun even less effective. The major downsides of this versatile single-shot weapon are its relatively poor fire rate and slow reload speed, which explains why players often favor repeaters, despite the fact that they generally lack damage power. However, not every weapon is worth picking up. If you are unable to get a head shot, you will often need multiple shots to take down an enemy. You also receive it during the RDR2 mission "Enter, Pursued by a Memory". The Carbine Repeater has the best accuracy and reload speed among the three repeaters available to players in Red Dead Redemption 2. Featuring VOLCANIC PISTOL's minimum and max stats, compatible customization and more! level 1. Pistols vs Revolvers; User Info: SuperMas180. You can use your free hand to make it rapid fire. We list these worthless weapons alongside others that are way better alternatives. 70.59% (72 votes) 72. I never use it because pistols are next to useless when youâre fighting people with repeaters and shotguns, which is everyone. The only positive aspect of the six-shooter is its reasonable fire rate. A smart player has a pump action or automatic shotgun, or they have at least one volcano pistol. The first are the standard weapons that players receive in the course of the game or can buy from a gunsmith or at a fence. You can use it to take down enemies by hacking at them at close range or by throwing it. Are there any other worthless weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 that everyone uses? Hip fire, everyone forgets about it and itâs awesome to fan the hammer into a guy running up to you with a shotgun. However, no weapon in RDR2 is really absolutely worthless. There is a good reason why the Schofield Revolver is the most popular of the three available to players. Red Dead Redemption 2 introduced players to a huge amount of incredible weapons. Coming in hot in second place, the Schofield Revolver features incredible range and accuracy. The rifle is easily outperformed in accuracy, firing rate, and reload speed by its main competitor, the Carcano Rifle. They can be crafted using animal fat and moonshine. Find out all stats and tips to know for SCHOFIELD REVOLVER in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). The Lancaster Repeater is one of three repeaters available in Read Dead Redemption 2. The Bolt Action Rifle is a player's dream rifle, as it is a versatile firearm that combines long range shooting capability with stopping power and accuracy. Designed for blasting rocks and clearing major obstructions, dynamite can also be used for blasting open safes and bank vaults. A lever-action handgun, the Volcanic Pistol deals the most damage of any sold revolver, although it suffers from a medium rate of fire, but boasts an improved ammo capacity. ... Volcanic and schofield are my personal favorites. Each weapon features details, acquisition method, ammunition types, images and more. Ammo types include regular buckshots, slogs, explosive slugs, and incendiary buckshots. Red Dead Online ; Semi Auto pistol vs Mauser Follow @RedDeadNet! Although it has a fast fire rate, good accuracy, as well as reasonable range and reload speed, it lacks the damage power to take down an animal or human adversaries quickly. Volcanic Pistol. All Revolver List; About Revolvers in RDR2 … A dual-wielded Volcanic Pistol gives you an edge in close range gunfight, as it lets you blast your way through like no other pistol can. By J373, December 9, ... a Schofield does me fine, or the odd use of a double barrel sawed off. Volcanic Pistol is a Handgun in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's one of the strongest revolvers in the game, and also has an absolutely superb range for a sidearm. We hope you're enjoying our designs, if so please check out our youtube channel @A Skewed View 3d & make sure you subscribe and ring that Bell as we have a lot of content coming out this year. The gun's major downside is its limited range, however, which is comparable to the Litchfield but inferior to the Lancaster Repeater. Aesthetically the Cattleman Revolver was my favourite, unfortunately it sucked lol (I hope the cattleman revolver is more powerful in RDR2). The raw, brutal, and devastatingly explosive power of the Volcanic Pistol, comparable to the power of the best repeating rifles, makes it a perfect sidearm to compliment your Schofield Revolver. Its major downsides are its low fire rate and poor accuracy and range. Schofield Revolver. r/RDR2: Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. You can retrieve the throwing knife after using it, but you can also carry more than one throwing knife. However, it doesn't provide very much damage and has an unsatisfactory range. Keep in mind these handguns are different than pistols, which we rank here. I’m interested to know why people don’t like it.I prefer the Volcanic pistol for damage and aesthetics.I stuck with the Schofield until later half of the game. Unlike your fists, you can equip your hunting knife on horseback. 1. Although you can use the hunting knife to fend off attackers, its power and range are so limited that it is best to use your hunting knife exclusively for skinning and cutting animals for fur and meat. The reason for a revolver/pistol loadout is for better ammo efficiency. You can obtain the Springfield Rifle early in the game from any gunsmiths after completing the mission "Eastward Bound". You need a gun that will end somebody no matter where you hit them , to deal with griefers properly, and to make decent money in showdowns. How to Acquire: You can find Otis Miller’s Revolver hidden in a chest in the Northern part of Cholla Springs. Schofield has a pearl handle, Vocanic has ebony. Unlike its unwieldy cousin, the double-barreled shotgun, the Sawed-Off Shotgun is portable and can be dual-wielded like a pistol or revolver. Many players have expressed disappointment about Red Dead Redemption 2's Molotov cocktails or fire bottles due to their low damage, limited range, and unreliable accuracy. I’m interested to know why people don’t like it.I prefer the Volcanic pistol for damage and aesthetics.I stuck with the Schofield until later half of the game. The Cattleman Revolver is available to players from the start of Red Dead Redemption 2. They also have lower damage power than long-range weapons, such as the Carcano Rifle and the Rolling Block Rifle. The weapon, which employs a fast-action lever system, is one of the best rifles you can carry into a gunfight when rapid fire is the crucial factor. One single hurl is usually enough to end an adversary. It is a better choice than the Rolling Block Rifle when you need a sniper gun with accuracy and a decent reload rate. Each weapon serves a purpose and comes in … The Hutton & Baird Volcanic Pistol combines the stopping power of a repeating rifle with the portability of a sidearm. Itâs great. The Schofield Revolver can be purchased at all gunsmiths after you have completed mission "Blessed are the Meek?". Players can craft poison throwing knives by applying Oleander Sage to the standard throwing knife, or by buying a poison throwing knife pamphlet, which gives instructions on how to craft one. My updated opinion is a Schofield is a good revolver for 1 gun use. Do you know of any others that are way better? Players receive the double-barreled shotgun early on in RDR2. I disliked it in SP already so I guess not. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Looks and feels great and I find myself better at getting headshots with it than a schofield. The high-utility rifle is also provided to players during mission "An American Pastoral Scene". A one-stop shop for all things video games. You may want to add a Carbine Repeater to your inventory even after obtaining the popular Lancaster Repeater. Pistols never get used for me. SCHOFIELD REVOLVER - Stats & Customization. My updated opinion is a Schofield is a good revolver for 1 gun use. Available at Rank 1 2. Lastly, there are special weapons, such as the double-action revolver and the stone hatchet, which can be unlocked by pre-ordering Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) or by playing Rockstar's GTA V. This list of worthless weapons that everyone uses consists only of standard weapons that players can obtain either by receiving them during the course of the game or by purchasing them. There are much better revolvers to look forward to, including the Schofield Revolver, which is better balanced in terms of power and accuracy, and the Volcanic Pistol, which packs a dangerous punch at the expense of accuracy and firing rate. The bow is a very useful weapon for hunting and it is suitable for stealth attacks, as it gives you the ability to shoot arrows with reasonable accuracy at medium range. The double-barreled shotgun is potentially able to inflict great damage at close range, but the accuracy is so poor that you would be lucky to hit a barn door from one meter away. Needless to say, the Varmint Rifle is not a combat weapon. Saves my long weapon slot for another rifle or repeater. This gun has an ammo capacity of six rounds, and can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express and Explosive revolver ammo. Table of Contents. I felt like a cowboy. However, it is surpassed by the Carbine in terms of reload speed. BLOG. lol Link to post Share on other sites. It also has the added advantage of stealth. You can also use your hunting knife for stealth attack, and to free hogtied NPCs for a reward. It is more dangerous and reliable than the hunting knife in combat. Its longer, sturdier, stronger, and sharper blade does greater damage and has better reach. Anyone here who already has some experience with those weapons? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. However, the weapon is remarkably inaccurate for a sniper rifle. In some situations, you’ll want to pack the kind of punch only a Volcanic Pistol can. Weapon Stats List; Revolver: Pistols: Repeater: Rifle: Shotgun: Bow: Throwable: You may also receive one for free during the "Old Friends" mission. You can get a second one at $84 for dual-wielding. The Bolt Action Rifle is as good as you can realistically expect an all-round weapon to be. The tomahawk is a way better melee weapon than fists, hunting knives, or throwing knives in Red Dead Redemption 2. Other standard weapons are listed as worthless because they are much weaker than others. For 2 gun i would go double action or volcano, as double action has a better rate of fire to compensate for not having the free hand to work the firing hammer, and the volcano is a devastating pistol with main downside being low chambered rounds, which is not as much of a problem if you have two. However, its poor accuracy works against your ability to use the fire rate effectively in combat. Semi Auto pistol vs Mauser. Featuring SCHOFIELD REVOLVER's minimum and … Schofield vs. Semi-Auto vs. Mauser. For 2 gun i would go double action or volcano, as double action has a better rate of fire to compensate for not having the free hand to work the firing hammer, and the volcano is a devastating pistol with main downside being low chambered rounds, which is not as much of a problem if you … The Schofield Revolver is the perfect counterpart to the pistol for a couple of reasons. You don't stand much chance when multiple enemies are closing in on you with only two shells. I imagine they would be pretty hefty to handle. We also included weapons that are weak in stats that are relevant for assessing how lethal they are as weapons, because, in most cases, you want to dispatch adversaries as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Double dose: With high accuracy and power, a pair of Schofields makes for a deadly combo. It also has an aesthetically pleasing design. You won't need to carry a weapon as worthless as the Molotov cocktail (or fire bottle) after you have obtained dynamite, which sits at the top of the list of damaging weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2. You can obtain this trusty, no-nonsense weapon from all fences for only $10 after you complete the mission "Dear Uncle Tacitus". The Volcanic pistol is the best sidearm in Red Dead Redemption 2 for inflicting maximum damage at close range. However, given the limited range and power of Poison Throwing Knives, players might as well invest the effort put into finding eagle feathers or Oleander Sage into crafting more effective weapons. You can purchase dynamite from gunsmiths and from all fences after you have completed the RDR2 mission "Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?". While the Volcanic Pistol is fourth on our list (out of four) that doesn’t mean it’s a bad gun. I use them for close range, SO fires first and takes a good chunk, the revolver etched off some more health and another SO shot takes their life. Both have long barrels, improved sights and rifling, and both do mighty damage. Browse the full list of Weapons that can be found or purchased in RDR2, including Statistics, Prices, Unlock Rank and where to find all Sidearms, Rifles, Throwables and Melee weapons. Stray within range a reliable weapon to be thoughtful Handgun in Red Dead Redemption.... 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