Semiramis become the Queen of Heaven and a moon goddess. According to less trustworthy traditions, Semiramis was Noah’s granddaughter, and both the mother and wife of Nimrod. There is a story that Semiramis was fed by doves after her father died. And to cover up her indiscretionshe claimed that her baby was Nimrodreincarnated. This concept was difficult for her followersto understand, so she told them that it was a“Divine Mystery” – that was not comprehendable.And thus, “god the father” and “god the son”was invented way back then – in Ancient Babylon. As the original Babylonians scattered across the face of the earth from the tower occurrence, they took their religious system with them even though they expressed their religious system in their new languages. The Bible tells of Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. If these aren’t the proper words for the Almighty Creator, what are the proper words. The Hebrew text states that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord. After the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful King. I bought into the Babylonian Trinity thing for a long time, but it’s silly supposition less than 200 years old. All these have existed from ancient times,and originated with Nimrod and Babylon.” –THE TWO BABYLON’S, by Rev. The "Nimrod" Tree"NIMROD" - The LORD of Christmas"Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. The trinity of  god, son, and holy spirit (semiramis) hasinvaded almost every pagan religion around the world.Their gods and goddesses have different names, butthe principals remain the same. Led by Christian thinker/writer/speaker, Jerry Robinson. such articles. There are two different meanings and they could both be under the same context. The point is, if it can not be found in God’s Word, it either is not true, doesn’t matter, or both. I am not convince when I joined the true Church of God by studying slowly the histories furthering the bible scriptures and I believe that God will show whole truth in a near future before his devine son returns to take his faithful home. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord” but there’s an interesting way the author put it; Nimrod was “a mighty h… She ruled as queen for 42 years. Hislop, Rev. Do research for yourself, and stop beingthe victims of Apostate Compromise with Heathens. If you think the Bible doesn’t mention Semiramis and her son, Tammuz, or the worship of Nimrod (Noah’s great-grandson and Semiramis’s husband) as a Sun god, then you haven’t read Ezekiel 8: 13-16. I agree with all that you have written. So, to maintain her reputation, she did the unthinkable: she married her own son! After Cush was disgraced, subtle Semiramis didn't want to go down with him. She was the first deified queen of Babylon and Nimrod was the first deified king. So, to maintain her reputation, she did the unthinkable: she married her own son! The Hindushad their trinity of  Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.”–The Lost Doctrines of Christianity   The Doctrine of the Trinity   is Not Based upon Scriptureby Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986). Tammuz the false Christ is the product of pedophilia, incest and child molestation. They wr blessed with a baby boy known as Horas, Ashtoreth became a queen after married to king Nimrod. Hi there, I am working on a research on The Semiramis. God said it was a great abomination that they were weeping over Tammuz. She claimed a full grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolised the springing forth into new life of the dead Nimrod. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. This dark knowledge is imparted by the Devil or Satan himself and the fallen angels to mankind as describe in the book of Enoc. So were women simply maligned back then (nothing new) or is the raven the good guy? (Read More...) 1 Chronicles 1:10 - And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth. Hello check out kjv 1611 her name is mentioned her but other version her name is different ..l .queen of heaven, hello.. it is important to know this because it is whence the idol worship originated….Nimrod means we will rebel…Babel means confusion through mixture. He's been here for over 1000 years. In Egypt it was Osiris, Isis, and Horus. In the unity of that one and only god of the Babylonians, there were three persons, and to symbolize that doctrine of the Trinity, they employed the equilateral triangle just as it is wellknown, that the Church of Rome does to this day. After the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful King. The festival to remember Nimrod's son killed by a boar is the mark of the beast also known as ash wed. Easter is a celebration of his mother Ishtar. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. So now she claimed thathe was both the Father and the son. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. What about genesis where it states that it is the seed of the WOMAN that crushes … lots to think about here. Its not right… that story with Semiramis dont add up… even cain was still talk about in the bible… the bible only speaks facts.. have a bless day. Nimrod had a plan to weld together and strengthen this evil religious system and so he married his own mother who was Semiramis. Then think “jealous god”. Tammuz is mentioned by name in Ezekial 8:14. Daniel 12:10. What do you think the chariot of fire was that took Elijah into the sky? Where please put the scriptures…as your facts,dont just generalise!! This is taught in Western Civilization courses in colleges. The Bible does not identify Nimrod's mother, or his date of birth, but Egyptian and Babylonian antiquities identify his mother as Semiramis, and his birthday is celebrated on 25th December. The first historical reference to her is by Eusebius who speculated that she was Nimrod’s wife. This child was thus considered to be divinely conceived. Sources: Ann, Martha and Dorothy Myers Imel. This is Satan’s doing “The All Seeing Eye of Lucifer”. (Formerly Jerry Robinson Ministries International) - (877) 96-FAITH. Around this same time, Nimrod dies a violent and untimely death. Later she had Nimrod killed. The Bible tells of of this man, Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. This took place during the time of Nimrod and Semiramis. The word ‘glory’ esteems Semiramis, the title ‘lord’ means ‘ba’al’, the title ‘god’ is another name of ‘gad,’ which can be traced back to Nimrod, with the word ‘sanctify’ being of Pagan origin, along with the following words; holy, hallowed, sacred, bible, grace, divine, deity, theos, christ, jesus, church and gospel, which has been shortened from ‘god-spell, which the Babylonian Mystery Religion seems to possibly have been, with every religion incorporating the practices of this trinity with their religion (syncretism). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. some have passed, some are happening and some will happen. It doesn’t mention Nimrod but it mentions the Sun being worshipped in from of the Church by people who turn their back to the Temple if God. But, as the Bible does not go into those details, I think that must be for a good reason. time of the tower, and also mother of Nimrod! Lo siento. She may have existed. After Nimrod’s death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. But Nimrod married her. Nimrod married his mother Ester when Moses (Musa) was sent to the devils 4,000 years ago. According to the historian Eusebius, Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod. She outlived all her husband’s. I’m starting to think – these were not myths- but the result of nephilim. The mother’s name is Semiramis and her child’s name was Tammuz. addendum: the dove and swallow were considered ‘clean’ birds in the OT, the raven was not, most likely due to the fact that it ate roadkill which could then contaminate humans. She told everyone that the child in her womb was none other than Nimrod being reborn. By knowing these things spoken here, although not salvational, it might help you or someone else realize who it is that is being worshiped. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. After Cush was disgraced, subtle Semiramis didn't want to go down with him. Then she had a child/son of adultery. Not being a smart butt. bible is historical and history is factual.. the biblical events are unfolding each and every day. ( Log Out /  Obedience! Nimrod was so evil, it is said he married his own mother… It’s like saying an elephant has large ears then seeing a hare an saying it’s an elephant. Deified as Ishtar, she was raised far above the level of all creatures, and was worshipped as the third member of the trinitarian godhead. Sometimes Semiramis is referred to as the mother of Nimrod, and sometimes as his wife, leading to the belief that Nimrod married his mother. She is mentioned as the queen of heaven in Jeremiah 44:17-25. The Hebrew text states that he was a mighty […] “Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Thank you finally someone who has actually studied!! We don’t have any detailed descriptions of these two characters. John D. SimsSCRIPTURAL HARMONY PROCESS, “After the flood and then the scattering from the tower of Babel, the earth was in a repopulation process by pagan trinity believers initially from Babylon. The Bible tells of of this man, Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. Nimrod’s  wife declared herself to be a moon-goddess.She gave herself glorious titles such as  “queen of heaven” – “ever virgin” – “Mediatrix” and “mother of god”. May the Lord bless you and keep you! Nimrod, also spelled Nemrod, legendary biblical figure of the book of Genesis.Nimrod is described in Genesis 10:8–12 as “the first on earth to be a mighty man. Soon After the death of Cush, Nimrod his son who was a king by then took over her mother as wife, in other words Nimrod married his mother Ashtoreth. AllanThomas. Obviously, you are mistaken. He was the sixth son born of Cush. Brethens,history has a lot to do with what is happening in our world today. When Cush found out what was going on Cush killed Nimrod. The name Nimrod, in Hebrew, is derived from "Marad," meaning "he rebelled." These three—Osiris (Nimrod), Isis (Semiramis) and Horus (the son)-came to be exalted as a triad of deities -(Exploring Ancient History—The First 2500 Years, Schulz, ch. time of the tower, and also mother of Nimrod! Cush had an incestuous relationship with his daughter Semiramis and begat Nimrod. What if… She was “The Rebel”. his resemblance. Semiramis was as wicked as her son Nimrod, Incest was used here as a basis to unite this newly false religious system. “Semiramis became pregnant after Nimcrod’s death. (Thus, Semiramis was both Nimrod’s wife and mother.). After Nimrod’s death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She then gave birth to a bastard son named Tammuz who she claim was the reincarnation of Nimrod, and through this she was able to subdue the people of Babylon. That book has been discredited as Alexander hislop was proved to be a heritic. His name in Hebrew means to rebel. After Nimrod’s death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. Semiramus his wife of and the son of Cush. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the su… “Many ancient pagan nations had three headed gods and a Trinity doctrine. Create a free website or blog at In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. In the Book of Acts we read about Paul and Silas nearly getting killed for teaching the pagan Ephesians the Gospel neat the Temple of Diana and winning many to Christ who then were ‘deserting Diana’. Eze Ugona, the Bible doesn’t mention cats either, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist! 32.” Chapter 7:24-31 Whether or not Jasher explains how Nimrod changed to become gibborim or not, something mysterious happened to Nimrod to act like a Nephilim. Logic has no play in this. Nimrod became “god-the-father”,  Tammuz became “god-the-son”, and Semramis became the “dove”or “spirit” that held this holy union together. All the sun-gods thatwere formed around the pagan world after him,were all fashioned in his likeness. Even Kildare, Ireland, has their triple goddess named“Brigid” that has been absorbed by the Apostate ChristianChurch – in the form of a saint. Every word that Christians use Pagan words to describe can usually be traced back to this trinity, have non-Pagan equivalent english terms and words like ‘eloah’ and assembly, Messiah, Yahusha, Good News, Master, Hebraic Scriptures, sovereign, redeemed, etc., so why does Christianity insist on using these Pagan-based words? Regardless, the Word of God is not an encyclopedia of the universe either, so believe what you want, but if it contradicts God’s Word, it is wrong. It is mind control and manipulation. According to another tradition, Semiramis was the daughter of a goddess. Now, I know that the swallow represents Isis, the Dove probably Semiramis/Ishtar. In the Sumerian language, her name is “Sammur-amat.”. You are so right…people fail to read their bible and notice that semiramis is in the bible just that different region and mation have their name for her but Ashtoreth is her hebrew name the original bible language..lot was hidden for people not to get.. Not everything is in the Bible. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The worship of Semiramis and Tammuz continues to this day, but will end when Jesus Christ returns as King of all the earth. We’re told to “come out of babylon” from Genesis to Revelation. It works in the whole pattern – Our King Jahshuah is True- His mocker – well — mocks Him. You are correct to say we ought to come out of Babylon and we are warned throughout the Bible to do so. Nimrod was so evil that he married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. we must accept historical account which are bringing more light as they point to the word of God. Nimrod was so evil that he married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. You should read it, because there is a LOT of good information in there. Book of Jubilees Read Ezekiel 8:12-16. Enter your email address below for email updates from the True Riches Academy. However, the image of a mother holding her child is pervasive throughout nearly every culture throughout history. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. Genesis 10:8-10 ESV / 112 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. There is this from Hosea as well: They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the LORD. Nimrod is the son of Semiramis and Cush, son of Ham, who was the son of Noah. Welcome to the official online home of True Riches Radio, a unique Bible teaching podcast and the True Riches Academy, an online Bible teaching center that educates, equips, and empowers believers. He’s everywhere at once, has all knowledge (science), and is all power. Jesus Christ who is from Israel was the only one who fulfilled all the yearnings of the Old and satisfied all the curiousities of the New. On earth, while still alive,  Nimrodwas the man-god of Babylon – represented bythe Sun (as a solar god). Since then not much has changed. Three birds can be found in Gilgamesh, the Story of Ushnaptim (Noah) from the Babylonian scriptures, a swallow, a dove and a raven. The Greek triad was composed of Zeus, Athena and Apollo. 6 And Nimrod and his men that were with him did not know, and Nimrod and his men frequently walked about in the field at the cool of the day, and to know where his men were hunting in the field. Do some research on the subject. You yourself answered your own question in that you state “one’s association with his creator is paramount.” If you do not know your creator you can easily be fooled to worship a false god. Semiramis was as wicked as her son Nimrod, Incest was used here as a basis to unite this newly false religious system. Family of Nimrod, incest was used here as a spirit being of the “ father the... 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