| Army Public Affairs Program, National Museum of the United States Army to open Veterans Day 2020, Army announces upcoming 2nd BCT, 10th Mountain Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 1st ABCT, 3rd Infantry Division unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 1st ABCT, 1st Cavalry Division, unit rotation, Secretary of the Army announces independent review of Fort Hood, 245th Army Birthday message from the Army Senior Leaders, Army announces upcoming 101st Airborne Division Combat Aviation Brigade, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 4th Security Forces Assistance Brigade, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 4th Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd BCT, 82nd Airborne Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd BCT, 1st Armored Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 3rd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 1st Cavalry Division Headquarters, unit rotation, National Museum of the United States Army to delay June 2020 opening, Army National Military Cemeteries renamed as Office of Army Cemeteries. Department of the Army Washington, DC 28 November 2016 Inventory Management Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System *Army Regulation 710–1 Effective 28 December 2016 H i s t o r y . ASL Authorized Stockage List . AR Army Regulation . All the drawers contain dividers and a slot for inserting a label.Shop stocks, on the other hand, are demand-supported repair parts and consumables stocked within a maintenance activity with a maintenance mission authorized by a modified table of organization and equipment, table of distribution and allowances, or joint table of allowances.Units must also consider requirements associated with the shop stock they choose to keep on hand. ASL is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms ASL is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) DODAACs were used to requisition parts and they were sterilized after each rotation.During the regeneration phase, the SSA is not required to inventory the CASL. When they draw the NTC ASL, they are required to inventory it prior to turn in, which takes up to an additional week. On the battlefield, the Army needs good distribution network managers who can effectively manage and plan the daily use of transportation, transshipment nodes, and battlefield DCs—managers who are focused on inbound, outbound, and cross-docking execution and on running warehouses more than managing inventory requirements. CIIC Controlled Inventory Item Code . When the CASL stays behind because the BSB staff failed to adequately plan, they incur the responsibility to plan for additional security and life support as the SSA waits on transportation from the CSSB to echelon them forward to the new BSA.A general analysis of the mobility index, utilizing FY19 MTOE for an ABCT, BSB, or distribution company, suggests that it would require three trips by the general supply platoon to move the entire CASL with organic assets. Delayed planning of CASL movements result in SSA downtimes of up to 24 hours. The ExASL Team evaluates, adjusts, and implements ASL levels throughout the Army for all Army (Active, National Guard, and Reserve) components. A thorough inventory was completed less than 72 hours after the ASL items arrived. Officers in ATAP who do not submit preferences are at increased risk of being assigned to units for which they are a poor talent fit. This reach allows commanders to accept more tactical risk with the confidence that the sustainment enterprise can maintain readiness and keep up with the operational tempo.Training at the NTC with the BCT's organic assets gives leaders at echelon the opportunity to assess how well the CASL supports their mission and its performance in austere environments. With plans to expand use of CASL across the Army, OC/Ts will make more discoveries alongside their BCT counterparts and get the opportunity to coach BSB staffs through MDMP, reminding them of all the planning factors associated with the CASL lift requirement. Table 3-2. FM 10-27 CHAPTER 5 PROVIDING CLASS IX SUPPLIES Section I MANAGEMENT IMPORTANCE OF REPAIR PARTS Repair parts make up 92 percent of the total Army inventory. o Efficiency – The effectiveness of SSA personnel in leveraging available ASL through efficient receipting, storing, issuing, The objective of implementing CASL was to increase overall readiness and guarantee mobility of a system designed to enable units to fight and win in austere environments.The observations of observer, coach trainers (OC/Ts) at the NTC are mostly positive, but some challenges present opportunities for units to develop in future rotations. IAR Inventory Adjustment Report . F. Army Acquisition Logistician Assessment, page 59 G. Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer Process Checklist, page 67 DA PAM 700–142 † 25 June 2010 iii. FILL RATE Fill rate is the Army’s metric to analyze the ASL review process for the SSAs and is expressed as a percentage. Tips for new users of the GCSS-Army (Cont’d):Access the BI Launch Pad and BI Bex Reports in the GCSS-Army Portal The Army Materiel Command's common authorized stockage list (ASL) cultivates equipment readiness by ensuring that high-demand repair parts are stocked for armored brigade combat teams (BCTs), Stryker BCTs, and infantry BCTs. In discussions with Army supply personnel, the committee was informed that Authorized Stockage Lists (ASL) have become very responsive, owing to an effort put into place that involves Army Materiel Command (AMC) designing the ASLs, rather than units doing it themselves. integrative approach to improving the Army’s national-level inventory management and depot-level component-repair processes. Even when CSSBs support BSA displacements, BSBs typically must conduct more than one turn with organic assets.Units should set priorities when considering what equipment to move first. Designed to be a single lift system, BCTs are not equipped, according to their modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE), to transport the CASL in a single lift. Such requirements include storing, transporting, and safeguarding the items in multi-domain or decisive action operational environments. At home station, units may face budgetary constraints or may not be a priority unit to fill requisitions, but as the rotational unit at the NTC they are likely to fill their authorized to forecast zero balance lines at one of the several Fort Irwin SSAs, significantly reducing the transportation costs and time associated with those replenishment items.This benefit allows units to redeploy to home station or forward deploy to a follow-on mission with close to 100% percent of their CASL. The result was an immediate increase in demand for class IV items. FORSCOM Arms Aviation Site (CAC login required) . o processed 67,000 Class IX repair parts, contributing to the success of the 704th BSB JRTC rotation exercise. Exclamatory sentences. Use this transaction to view the items available for customer pickup. 7 ADA094 657 ARMY INVENTORY RE ISEARCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA PA F/6 15/5 ANNUAL REPORT -FISCAL YEAR 1980. In total, bringing home station CASL … Army healthcare providers depend on medical logisticians to get the right materiel to them in a timely manner so that they can provide adequate care for the Soldiers in their units. T h e p o r t i o n s a f f e c t e d b y t h i s He holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Webster University, a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Campbell University, and a Demonstrated Master Logistician Certification from the International Society of Logistics (SOLE).----------------This article appears in the October-December 2019 issue of Army Sustainment. Which aspect of fill rate measures the depth of the ASL (requisition objective)? Source force requirements with the available Army inventory to … Chemical quality What needs to be considered when selecting a site for Potable Water Storage/Distribution System (PWS/DS)? The implementation and use of CASL at the NTC encourages readiness, by forcing units to train as they fight. Units have little to no issues getting CASL to the NTC by rail or line haul, despite substantial transportation costs, but they experience significant challenges displacing the brigade support area (BSA) with up to 18 field pack-up containers and 35 container roll-in/out platforms for the CASL, in addition to all the other classes of supplies BSBs are expected to haul and distribute. Controlled inventory item code • 4 ... (ASL) items for major systems and EIs identified by the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Summary. The three trips include two trips requiring all 12 load handling systems with trailers and the third trip only requires three systems with trailer.Observations at the NTC are that Soldiers who make up the general supply platoon and operate the SSA are responsible for more than just the transportation of CASL. Use this transaction to view all open and closed orders (POs & STOs). In ASL, tone is used (through facial expression and manual movement), just like vocal-aural speakers do in spoken language using sound. Once the data is exported to a spreadsheet, the data should be sorted to find the highest demand items across the organization, and that list should be cross-referenced against the BCT’s ASL to produce a list of recommended items to stock T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n w a s o r i g i n a l l y p r i n t e d o n 1 M a r c h 1 9 8 4 . Strategic Intent Defined o Stewardship – The dollar value of inventory being carried to support customer base. ppl. The objective of the Army’s reparable-management process is to repair sufficient assets to replenish serviceable inventories to meet the needs of requirements determined to support equipment readiness. An ASL of repair parts is maintained at the DS or AVIM level. Although an inventory of the ASL items was not needed when the containers arrived (since an inventory had been completed before shipping and the containers were sealed), one was conducted anyway to confirm the prior inventory. m. Department of Defense Office of Inspector General . When they draw the NTC ASL, they are required to inventory it prior to turn in, which takes up to an additional week. She most recently commanded the 3rd Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division.Capt. of time. Note: We have 250 other definitions for ASL in our Acronym Attic. Older items in the Army’s inventory will still need repairs, and repair parts must be stocked for newer and more complex items. At the support battalion level, which provides additional sustainment to units, this inventory is known as the authorized stockage list. RC North’s limited infrastructure strained to support the development of COPs, FOBs, and camps established by the troop surge. Units cannot replicate the training offered at the NTC at home station. Note: We have 250 other definitions for SSL in our Acronym Attic. Bench stocks consist of common hardware, nuts, bolts, washers, capacitors, wire, tubing, hoses, ropes, webbing, thread, welding rods, sandpaper, gasket material, sheet metal, seals, oils, grease, and repair kits.In a decisive action operational environment, brigade support areas, field trains command posts, and combat trains command posts must have the ability to rapidly pack up and displace to a new area of operations. These are the customers at the unit level and at the Supply Support Activity (SSA) level. -------------------- The ASL contains a small reserve through the application of a safety level. Orders for readiness drivers are likely to be on the ASL of the supporting SSA. On the battlefield, the Army needs good distribution network managers who can effectively manage and plan the daily use of transportation, transshipment nodes, and battlefield DCs—managers who are focused on inbound, outbound, and cross-docking execution and on running warehouses more than managing inventory requirements. AWCF Army Working Capital Fund . sufficient inventory of some items to satisfy the divisions’ ASL requirements many times over as shown in table 5. These timelines affect the BSBs' responsiveness to CL IX flow and regeneration of combat power. Looking for online definition of ASL or what ASL stands for? Login or sign up now! Units at the NTC rely heavily on external support from combat sustainment support battalions (CSSB) and the support brigade, however unit planning and coordination of transportation movement requests (TMR) are usually reactionary. A disciplined, adaptive, and learning organization that synchronizes and integrates medical logistics capabilities at echelon in support of the Army’s operating force and joint team – supported at its core by a strong and resilient work force. It should be remembered, however, that the inventory at the wholesale level is available to support all of the Army divisions, reserves and National Guard, foreign military sales To do this correctly, logisticians must know their customers and foresee their future needs to ensure that items are readily available. ARMS. (U) UNLASSIIEDD R. AD-,/ FINAL REPORT. performance for cost effectiveness among inventory systems, and report and measure effectiveness of physical inventory control. y S. yste. She holds a Masters Degree in Acquisitions and Management (MA) from Webster University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Accounting from Campbell University. ARCMIS . Variation 1 - ASL ; Variation 2 - Fingerspelled; Add to Word List. AR 710-1 Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System AR 710-2 . U.S. Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity (USAMRSA) U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) Guidance for requesting assistance in paragraph 8-5, Chapter 8, of DA Pam 710-2-1 . However, some of the procedures in executing these core functions have changed, including the naming conventions for some of the supply terms and processes due to the SAP software technical and functional requirements. to run the zero balance report, and the type of stock status for all ASL line items. Planners should anticipate a displacement of the BSA and communicate their needs with the CSSB/SB early and often. However, the support operations office (SPO) worked diligently to ensure that the zero-balance lines were aggressively worked in order to establish an adequate ASL. and reporting requirements concerning physical inventory control of Army assets managed by national-level activities. Talent. Accounting Requirements Code . BSB organic transport would require multiple turns by the distribution company. The ASL items stocked at the SSA should be fully uploaded in modular-equipment, deployment-storage containers or standard 8- by 8- by 20-foot contain- ers. Once the data is exported to a spreadsheet, the data should be sorted to find the highest demand items across the organization, and that list should be cross-referenced against the BCT's ASL to produce a list of recommended items to stock on the shelf at the unit motor pool.To gain greater context and make a well-informed decision regarding which NSNs to stock at the unit level, units should coordinate with the Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA) to determine Army-wide demand history over the past 365 days for a particular end item. y Retail Su. Furthermore, the units in future rotations will continue to provide additional data points for comparison, enabling OC/Ts to refine current observations.FINDINGSSince implementation, a combination of five active duty and National Guard units arrived and trained at the NTC utilizing their CASL. Army Reserve Command Code . Validate and inspect Army Inventory through a Capability Catalog. CUSTOM HOUSE 2nd and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia Pa. 19106 Approved fo PubUe Release& Dltibution UUmit.4 / … Army buys and maintains inventory for sale to Army operating units and other DoD customers. When requesting external support, units should consider how many other units the CSSB is supporting and who the main effort is. Stocked demand Whose mission is to maintain and improve logistic readiness of the forward deployed forces? AMSAA can provide a recommended shop stock list based on the number of dead-lining faults for a particular NSN and a unit's vehicle density. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r revision. Visualize Army unit calendars to identify friction points and synchronize training, modernization, and other requirements based on a unit’s SR cycle and availability. The single, but monumental, task of adjusting BCT personnel and equipment MTOEs to support the single lift of CASL will round out HQDAs mission "to increase readiness and ensure mobility, which will allow the Army to fight and win in austere environments."----------------Lt. This regulation is a consoli-dation of several regulations that set pol- The analysis assumes that the unit is at full strength, both on personnel and equipment, and that the element responsible for transporting all general supplies is not also responsible for transporting other commodities concurrently. Previously, if units were deploying following an NTC rotation, they needed to cancel and reorder parts in order to receive them at their new Department of Defense Activity Address Code. First, a unit should conduct a deliberate inventory of all shop stock to ensure information is correctly put into the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) so that personnel can rapidly locate on-hand parts to reduce NMC time.Then the unit should pull demand history for specific storage locations (SLOCs) over a specified period of time. During RSOI the brigade support battalion (BSB) prepares themselves for a 14-day force-on-force and live fire rotation, while still providing support to the BCT.BSBs that bring CASL gain efficiencies by eliminating the need to inventory the NTC ASL, which takes up to a week to complete. The Army's mandatory method for computing the demands and stockage of ASL items is the integrated logistics program dollar cost banding (DCB). AFMIS Army Food Management Information System AMC Army Materiel Command AMDF Army Master Data File AN/ASN-86 Inertial Navigation Set, Model 86 APC Account Processing Code ARMYLOG Army Logistics Catalog ASA(FM&C) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) ASL Authorized Stockage List AWCF Army Working Capital Fund AR 700–18 • 29 August 2020: 2 (6) Develop a PP in conjunction with the total life cycle system manager (TLCSM) that will be summarized in the supportability strategy (SS) and the acquisition strategy. Use this transaction to view movements, including receipts, inventory adjustments, and customer issues picked up by your customers. YG 18 Officer Career Forecast. Stocking critical, highly used, non-ASL repair parts at the unit level builds equipment readiness, reduces not mission capable (NMC) time, and shortens customer wait times.BENCH STOCK AND SHOP STOCKTwo types of maintenance-related supplies are authorized to be on hand in support-level maintenance activities: bench stocks, which are unpredictably used consumables, and shop stocks, which are demand-supported stocks.Bench stocks are low-cost, high-use, consumable supply classes II (clothing and equipment), III P (packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants), IV (construction materials), and IX (repair parts) items (less components) used by maintenance personnel at an unpredictable rate. Knowing what supplies and CASL containers are priority for movement ahead of time is important. Accounting Requirements Code . The U.S. Army is composed of the Regular Army, United States Army Reserve, and United States Army National Guard. When inventory cannot be completed, a written request for an extension will be requested from the next higher command. Based on theater trends, this review provided the SSA with the best inventory. SARSS Standard Arm. This ASL reviews are provided annually and as required for Tactical and Fixed Base Supply Support Activities (SSA) in Southwest Asia (SWA), Korea, Europe and Contiguous United States (CONUS). In total, bringing home station CASL can save the SSA two weeks, which they can use instead to conduct maintenance and other readiness enhancing actions for the brigade.Another positive impact units experience when they bring their CASL to the NTC, is that they can fill most, if not all, of their shortages when they arrive. U.S. Army STAND-TO! If the entire CASL cannot move in a single lift, identifying a combination of the most important supplies and fast-moving parts will alleviate stress to the maintenance process and to the SSA.Units should switch logistics modernization program search matrix to search Fort Irwin SSAs first in order to reduce customer wait times while at the NTC. The South Lebanon Army or South Lebanese Army (SLA) (Arabic: جيش لبنان الجنوبي , romanized: Jayš Lubnān al-Janūbiyy), also known as Lahad Army ( Arabic: جيش لحد ) and De Facto Forces (DFF), was a Lebanese Christian-dominated militia which was active during the Lebanese Civil War and its aftermath, until it was disbanded in the year 2000. A maximum of 2 extensions (15 days each) may be granted by the next higher commander, major United States Army reserve command, or State Adjutant General. $3.2B in Army inventory. Karina Y. Cuenca is the sustainment planner and an observer, coach/trainer for the Goldminer sustainment training team at the National Training Center (NTC), at Fort Irwin, California. b. Warehouse/Inventory Control NCO. 4. Units can consider turning on the automatic reorder point in GCSS-Army to replenish shop stock items consumed in daily maintenance activities.LEVERAGE OTHER ORGANIZATIONSA unit can leverage other organizations' shop stocks to reduce NMC days. The SLOCs should then be pasted into MMBE, and a unit will have asset visibility of a particular NSN in an adjacent BCT's shop stock.An optimized and carefully managed shop stock list can significantly reduce customer wait time and decrease the number of days that key equipment is NMC. The U.S. Army is organized into four army commands, which conduct the majority of the service's organize, train, and equip functions, ten Army service component commands, which command forces attached to the combatant commands, and twelve direct reporting units. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Campbell University and a master's degree in business administration from Charleston Southern University. Note: We have 78 other definitions for PLL in our Acronym Attic. ARCD . Prior units did not account for class IV on the SSA’s ASL. The AVUM maintenance officer and AVIM supply platoon leader are responsible for managing PLL and ASL Class IX repair parts respectively. To date, five ABCTs arrived and trained to win utilizing their CASL, with over 4,000-line items, instead of drawing the NTC rotational authorized stockage listings (ASL) as was standard with units for years prior to CASL employment.